Arugula Boogala

Religion only has a place in comforting people. Anything else and this happens. 100% of the time. They don’t help anyone as much as they help themselves and if people stopped and thought about it they’d come to some hard truths about any god that would allow the entirety of their spokespeople to be rotten crooks that

Thinking far left liberals are nuts doesn’t make someone a Trump supporter. Are you 5 that you can’t imagine things that aren’t binary? Most people, the VAST majority fall in the middle.

And you make assumptions without concern for facts. I’d say that’s pretty dangerous. At least I don’t hide behind faux concern for others while lashing out. Gee, a hypocrite. On Gawker Media? No way.

That sounds like a problem with women, not E!

Well...shit. You’re right.

Wasn’t a problem before or after living there. I guess if I was obsessed with myself or thought life revolved around weed wine and social media I’d have done better. But most people like talking about things without mentioning avocados or how bad white guys are. Cali is a massive echo chamber of impotent liberal navel

No. Not everything is about politics. And I didn’t vote for him. Care to pull out another weak attempt at an attack, smug ass?

Having lived in SoCal for several years I say let it burn. I imagine the Bay area has people that are more out of touch with reality but I never met a single person in all those years that wasn’t completely nuts or a total scumbag. Even at their best the people there think it’s ok to drop $500,000 on a closet sized

Yeah, echo chambers where we smugly approve of each other is the way to go. Fuck dissenting opinion.

Why did Disney allow this movie to be released?

Ok so when he doesn’t and you’re an overdramatic crybaby then what? Do you apologize? Or do you keep your head deep in the sand too but that’s ok because it’s sand on the left?

No plot armor? So Finn died taking out the battering ram cannon (dumbest idea yet)? Luke died a pointless death? Leia got blasted and died by a nobody in a TIE?

The entire movie was an insult to the franchise, the fans, newcomers, and filmmaking in general. It was not only the low point of the series but one of the poorest examples of a movie ever put out. It blatantly mocks the movies, it mocks the audience with writing that varies between moronic and on the nose with no

I’ve spent the last 23 hours trying to think of a worse movie. I can’t. It was honestly the worst movie I’ve ever seen. From writing to acting to directing to the horrible attempts at humor it was just amazingly awful. I’ve been in shock since last night. I can’t think of a single good scene. Not one laugh. Not even a

Nah, I got more than enough heavy handed “white men in America are at LEAST as bad as Nazis, who we’ll barely focus on for half the game to make sure you really understand just how bad white men are in America” from the base game. Having a lot of characters is fine but when most are variations of the same played out

I don’t really see how things will change. Google, Apple, etc have been doing this for years. When you search something do you really think you’re getting results that aren’t targeted and paid for? Because that’s naive. Sites like reddit and youtube will still be tops and used most. Everything will be the comfortable

That doesn’t make any sense. Socialism doesn’t follow capitalism and has been proven (many many times) not to work. Post scarcity follows capitalism and is already beginning to take hold.

Why was this shared on Kotaku?

A lot of it won’t be expensive at all. Go look at what Spielberg produced in the 80s. He cann grab bag nearly all the big hits. Things like Tracer are probably offered dirt cheap or free. Being in a movie like this is good exposure and nobody wants to be the odd man out.

How does not playing with trash make the trash shitty? They’re saying if more females play they won’t. Isn’t that kind of a win win?