Arugula Boogala

I don’t know if this falls under pop culture but whatever it is is idiotic to the point of disbelief and not in any way funny.

Dangerous assumptions. You have any proof to back that up or do you just like virtue signaling?

White, black, male, female, I have never seen an example of this where the person removed wasn’t being belligerent except the asian man dragged off. She says she remained calm but why would the pilot get involved if she was casually talking to a steward?

Meanwhile celebrating men still seen as a betrayal of all things proper by idiotic masses.

I remember when Kotaku reported on games instead of digging up oppression in everything they can.

You can’t really go into South Park expecting your politics to be respected. How is that even a thing to bring up? It wouldn’t be South Park if you didn’t smack prostitutes or something equally distasteful. I genuinely don’t see how that’s a strike against it. You might as well knock a Star Wars game for being

Well, shit. I thought I was about to read an actual critique of modern feminism but instead you just do what feminists always do and cannibalize instead of addressing the issues. I stopped reading when, yet again, you attacked white men. We are not an enemy and until you get that feminism will never work.

Fucking EA. Wasn’t this Amy Hennig’s game? I’m about ready to just boycott the whole company with this nickel and dime crap. It’s no wonder modern Disney gave them exclusive rights to Star Wars.

Funny, I don’t see where it’s identified as a man. But oh well, can’t be sexist against men!

If you have to ask why someone doesn’t like it when people break the law you really don’t understand how society functions at the core.

40% of their workforce is non-white and that’s not diverse? Whites still make up about 70% of the population.

Water is wet too.

Never heard of this shit before, never want to again. I won’t even watch the video because this sounds like really stupid shtick.

Too late for me. I canceled my preorder a couple of days ago when I was catching up on the game and found out it had them. I don’t play games with loot crates no matter how insignificant or ignored they can be. I simply don’t buy them, period. I’ll miss out on some great games but I’ll never miss out on the better

This sudden rush to defend streamers specifically makes me sick. This is the special interest lobbyist of the gaming industry, where now developers are more interested in sucking up to and protecting streamers than the player base.

How in the hell are you not in the greys where you belong?

I’m good, thanks. I’ll do what I do and enjoy my apparent patriarchy, white supremacy, and heteronormative whatever. At the minimum, I would never take social advice from the kind of people that write for Gawker Media.

The way to push loot boxes out of gaming is to not buy these games at all. I am avoiding Mordor and Battlefront 2 over it. Asking gaming mom to stop it is infantile and ineffective. The problem will never truly be people buying loot boxes, it’s saying having them at all is ok with your wallet.

Goddamn now it’s men’s fault for not stopping people we don’t even have access to? Should I go ahead and apologize for sunburn and stubbed toes too?

They still have every instance after their own on their hands. I don’t give a fuck if he’s Emperor of Earth, if you don’t stand up then you allow it to happen. It’s exactly what people say about white people not stopping racism, except these women actually directly witnessed a crime. If I’m guilty of enabling white