Arugula Boogala

I don’t know why I’m bothering but I’ll repeat it anyway. This is why Trump won. Not the bloggers and bullshit but because underneath the veneer there are way more people that want two genders, guns, and not getting harassed by the shittiest generation since the Boomers about safe spaces and triggering.

Super Mario RPG for me. I beat it but only once back in like 96. I’d forgotten how smooth the whole experience is. Enjoying the others but this one was that one game I never went back to after playing.

It’d be nice if there were a way to use computers to connect to other computers in a vast web where businesses could allow you to buy things from other people. An interconnected network or “internet” if you will, where a copy of Actraiser for the SNES could be bought.

Here I was thinking all humor had been lost from The Root (and VSB by extension) and you drop this glorious example of how to be funny AND serious. Some more than others but dammit people, that’s the cadence of good humor.

Your comment is way more sexist than the assumption you made about theirs. I’m a guy that has never shot anyone. Or do we excuse the redneck Trump supporters for saying black men should be killed because there are more black gang members than white mass shooters?

Oh fuck every bit of this. Grow up. Not everything is an attack on vaginas and melanin. Newton was stupid, this is worse. Microaggressions are the dumbest shit from the dumbest generation.

I always felt like I played the first one wrong. I never had an orc come back and only died once or twice. So the nemesis system for me was just a list of targets. Nothing interesting happened in my entire playthrough. I’d identify a target or weakness, kill them or find out more info then kill them, rinse repeat. All

Thankfully we all have you to give us expert insight into the shooting and how a president should scoff at the men and women who put themselves in danger for us. That’s way better than comforting a nation, even in a silly ineffective way. You should run for office where you can tell cops they suck. You’d be very

So even if a statement is true, such as you being a racist and making everything about how awful white people are, you now believe you can ignore it because you wrote this. Bravo. You just drove a hypocrisy truck right through any dissent. I bet you feel clever.

Have you ever written a book report? Because this shit makes it seem like you aren’t even at a third grade level. Is it about women or people? You bounce back and forth multiple times and blur your message.

I don’t follow. We don’t talk about any crime for very long. Unless you work for Gawker Media, then it’s white people all the time or finding a way to make a black crime about white racists. If a black man kills people, you better believe The Root is right there to remind us that white people do worse.

Horrible tragedies for sure but I don’t think you should immediately make the one that happened not even 48 hours ago about you. It kind of makes you a massive asshole.

Allow me to translate all that corporate fluff.

Never understood the appeal of speedruns. I guess it’s a sign of getting old.

Hey Rep. Meng, we had Redneck Rampage 20 something years ago. Calm down.

I went to Walmart last night. They had around 12 units (rural area) and I was 2nd in line. People showed up at 11:30 and were about 7th. Easy peasy. Guy in front of me got in line again to get another, presumably to scalp. I hope people hold out and screw over the scalpers.

Devil’s advocate: there are a thousand ways players could ineffectively protest but they chose the one that angers the very people they supposedly want to reach.

Morgan’s voice actor isn’t very good here. I hope it’s just out of context but that hasn’t been an issue with Rockstar trailers in the past. I’m also bummed to find out it’s a prequel. That means we know Dutch, Bill, and John at the very least live and it’s 50-50 on Morgan and the woman shown dying or running off

I made it about halfway through. I don’t know what you’re actually talking about or if this was supposed to be funny but I know I will never watch anything you make again. Legitimately the worst 2 minutes I’ve spent this year. If that’s your brand of humor, your brand is shit.

If it’s a nightmare here and you feel so oppressed that you worry about being murdered walking down the street, why haven’t you left? That isn’t a suggestion, it’s a question. I would never live in a place I didn’t feel safe or that didn’t offer me a better option. From the sounds of it you don’t see that. So why are