I don’t get that first tweet. You have a 1 in 12ish chance of dying during Ramadan, murder or not. That makes it pretty likely compared to dying on your birthday or something.
I don’t get that first tweet. You have a 1 in 12ish chance of dying during Ramadan, murder or not. That makes it pretty likely compared to dying on your birthday or something.
Thanks, Columbo. Maybe let cops do their job unless you have inside knowledge? What makes you think this was an attack of bias versus a couple of idiots and a random attack? I’m guessing your own bias.
This is the natural cycle when people in power can no longer be trusted to deal with a situation. And the carnage is just going to get worse until some difficult decisions are made. By all sides. I’m not condoning it by any means. But what else can you expect from people that don’t feel safe anymore? And when these…
It’s almost as if people historically want great games at a price that makes sense for the average Joe even if that doesn’t check off every bell and whistle. You PC fanatics never get that. We can’t all afford to dump thousands into this hobby. We want to play great games, not brag that our PC that costs as much as a…
I really hope developers can reign in the desire to cater to fans. It’s only a good thing as long as it makes a game better. Most people don’t know what that is, they just want their personal fulfillment.
No shit. Japanese developers aren’t obsessed with making sure young girls are seen scantily clad. They do it to appeal to a certain demographic. It’s not some core message they feel they need to make. I wish western devs could be a bit more passive about things too rather than throwing in so much diversity and…
Asking the hard questions I see instead of trivial garbage like “do we get input into the game or is it just one big QTE?”
Let’s make sure to use the man taking a bullet to push politics and demean him. Very progressive and welcoming.
Easy. Paper Mario. Sure they’ve released games called Paper Mario but they haven’t touched the series since the Gamecube. I enjoyed SPM and even Color Splash but they were NOT Paper Mario games.
Am I the only one that thinks it’s stupid to have choices boil down to kill and piss of humans be nice? Why would I choose to kill humans when I am one? It’s a terrible narrative because nothing can make me decide humans are less than androids. I’d never kill myself to save an android. I’d never support their rights…
A part of me hopes he comes out squeaky clean. Only because political back pedaling is glorious to watch and far left liberals have been way too smug in their certainty over it. Well, actually it’d be nice to know our highest office still holds some measure of responsibility too.
I hope you’re kidding. If he turns out to be poor his base will solidify into diamonds. That’s the only barrier keeping him from being just like them in their eyes. He’d become a fucking pariah overnight and we’d never get rid of him.
This is the same logic applied by people that say black people shouldn’t be allowed to own guns because of high crime statistics and repeat offenders. Both are wrong and wrong for the same reason. I’ll let you figure out the common thread here.
Compassionate? Productivity? Hey, motherFUCK your blog if it ups my chance of getting blown up. How selfish are you that you put your job over hundreds of lives? This is a proven tactic that needs to be addressed and if you can’t watch Netflix or make a snide remark about Republicans then feel free to take a boat.
That actually made me laugh. Good one.
All that sounds...just really awful. This is exactly what I was afraid of.
Has anyone interested NOT bought Minecraft yet? And has, say an Xbox One customer, a purchase relied on playing cross platform? I think this is a complete nonissue.
It was never really easier to date cross politics. Just because it’s hip to be really into identity politics in particular right now hasn’t altered that. I had an ex that was really fringe left (I’m the best kind of populist, where my stance tends to be made based on what will help the greatest number of people, and…
I tend to brush off “cinematic” as a negative moniker in games but even the combat in this looks like a QTE you barely control. I hope I’m wrong.
So nobody asked this time why the antagonist must be male?