Did you support Chick-fil-A when the company opposed gay customers?
Did you support Chick-fil-A when the company opposed gay customers?
You can’t say obviously when using a word that means the opposite of what you mean. That makes it not obvious. If you’re going for hyperbole then make it clear.
Are you 5? You need to cite a source that LGBTQ content is being singled out. You know, the claim YOU made. And the exact wording I used in my last post. Holy shit you’re dense.
Yeah! We should stick it to the man by not working!
I don’t really have one. I’ve only met a couple and had very surface level interactions. I’m indifferent in the truest sense. As with anyone I wish prosperity for them as long as they don’t interfere with mine.
Until I see worthwhile content it’s pretty much a moot point. I imagine they block plenty of stuff outright like bombs even if some caveman titles a video “Learning is the bomb” or something. This smacks of typical liberal overreaction.
Is it? Cite a source saying ONLY this stuff is getting blocked.
Who said anything about sex? Learn to read.
Why are music videos of any type classroom appropriate? You’re there to learn not dance.
Being an LGBTQ video doesn’t automatically mean it should be seen in school. In fact a good 90%+ of all YouTube videos shouldn’t be seen in school.
That IS the privilege of being the majority. Why the fuck should the world be ruled by the tiniest groups?
Never thought I’d see the day when I agree with Kentucky. This is the push back to heavily forced and immediate gratification liberal causes. Rather than letting society absorb and assimilate ideas that were uncomfortable (but not wrong) the left rammed as much as they could. Now you get to see what happens when the…
ME1 was so good and such an amazing example of hard sci fi that I was sold on the trilogy right there. 2 was great, if basically just filler. 3 nailed a lot of things and the ending didn’t spoil it for me as much as others (though blind space ninjas wrecking my shit was so stupid I nearly quit).
Make sure you drag politics into everything you write. I’m sure it has everything to do with the harassment. While we’re painting such a broad stroke isn’t it disgusting how every serial killer is human? We should just do away with them entirely.
Scumbags shouldn’t leak nude photos of celebrity women like that. They should stick to putting out sex videos of former wrestlers against court orders like a real journalist!
I purposely stayed away from footage until the last couple of days. I am very very concerned about the light hearted joking stuff from a lot of what I’ve watched. I like ME as good hard sci fi, not Star Wars: Lethal Weapon Edition. Please tell me you can avoid the constant jokey banter and smarmy lines. Because I…
Multiple studies from academia. Lifetime risk doesn’t scale down at the rate of others and post op rates spike early then trail off. Naturally some of that would be dissatisfaction at results and not feeling any different, I admit. But trans suicide rates are already way higher even without operations.
We’re all selfish. I’m mature enough to admit it. And I’m uninterested in convenient truths that rely on bias to exist. If trans was a successful diagnosis the suicide rate among post ops wouldn’t be astronomically higher than everyone else. It isn’t making people happier in the kinds of numbers that qualify as a…
I don’t feel like the game is trying to be political at all. No more than Indiana Jones or Lethal Weapon. It’s just some mild glue tossed in so you have a reason to go from place to place.
Ok. I guess that was supposed to hurt. It didn’t but good to see the far left insult and shut down rather than concede different people see things differently. You’re no better than Trump and his cronies.