Arugula Boogala

I can’t think of a single prominent religious group that isn’t peaceful as part of their religion. Yet Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Buddhists kill people daily. It’s not really much of an argument since they all dictate being kind to each other in general and are ignored.

This is the second and last time I listen to you about the HUD. It’s really not more immersive to have to pull out my map constantly to figure out where that marker I set is.

Maybe don’t enter a nation illegally if you expect no consequences. This is where I split from the left. There should never be any reaction to anything you do? Bullshit. These people didn’t accidentally break the law. They knew it and know it. It’s about time that means something.

I agree there is a lesson to be learned but not so much what it is. You can’t win on the downtrodden. Doesn’t work that way or they wouldn’t be the downtrodden. Doubling down on far left ideals ensures a Trump reelection. The left pushed widely unpopular ideas past the point of comfort. Gay marriage was popular enough

How can the title of this post be a blatant lie? I don’t have to watch this and I won’t watch this. So unless that kills me, you are wrong before you even start.

So white people are racist for shit that happened hundreds of years ago but you aren’t when you say racist shit today?

So kick some dead white guy off the list to appease the trans community? That is pretty offensive.

The first thing you learn when studying rhetoric is that people use disclaimers to excuse themselves when they immediately do exactly what they just said.

Well you keep debating provable history, champ. I’m not interested in discussing things with someone that doesn’t operate on facts. Have a good one.

You mean an act that was pretty much nullified in the 60s? One act doesn’t crash a world economy. Gutting the middle class with a deliberate succession of moves intended to weaken their economic power does. Which Clinton dabbled in but Bush pushed to new levels.

Not me. Dubya was actually terrible AND powerful after 9/11. Trump is bleeding power so fast that a month in he’s shaping up to be a lame duck.

I can’t wait until we stop pretending this particular mental disease is ok. Especially in children.

Isn’t this part of the plot of Lord of Illusions? Some weird cult leader is coming to murder us all. Call Scott Bacula.

What a fucking overreaction. Throwing the word fascism around doesn’t make it true. We are far from being a fascist state. Really far. Just because your politics aren’t on top anymore doesn’t mean you should act like a fucking child.

Not sure how it’s brave to talk about race as long as it’s the Hollywood accepted version.

There are very few things in the world less important than this supposed controversy. There are wet farts and drying paint that have mattered more. I’m sure some 13 year olds and mentally 13 year olds think this is some noble battle over...I dunno the first amendment or sticking it to some vague The Man type but it

I think Trump is shit too but come on. He hasn’t killed opponents, ransacked businesses of his hated race of choice, suppressed the media (and no, calling names and refusing to talk is not the same), forced relocations, or pretty much any of the big bad things Hitler did.

Insisting he is not your president is a bullshit way of trying to absolve yourself of any responsibility for his winning. Which is blatantly untrue. Just as the right helped energize a surge for Obama, the far left pushed middle America to Trump. It’s not the only reason but it’s a big one.

Way ahead of you. My daughter will be banned from all Gawker Media sites. The hate for straight white men is unacceptable to me and way too prevalent here.

Gotta love running with just one side of a story. Extra credit for it coming from Twitter.