Hello Jerry

Note: All areas are treated as “congested areas” on AT&T. Not that I’ve ever seen any evidence of actual real congestion, but they apply the “congested” policy 100% of the time in any populated area. This is in comparison to Verizon whose policy is actually dependent on current conditions.

If only I had had the foresight years ago to file a patent for a “device that makes its user look like a complete tool.” I would have been able to sue Segway, these guys, and Google when they released Google Glass.

According to some, Microsoft only created the Surface because they were frustrated by the poor imagination of their hardware partners. So theoretically this could be a point where they let the Surface line recede a bit.

The only version that had crippled software was the original Surface with Windows RT. The rest of them ran Windows, I think the problem with Surface 1 and 2 Pro was hardware - it was too fat with too small a screen, not quite a laptop and not quite a tablet. Surface Pro 3 fixed that.

The spec’d out Surface Pro 3 still pretty much beats all of them on specs.

That’s the kinkiest tech headline I’ve seen in a long time.

Can’t be any worse than current politicians, at least you what what to expect. Now about these interns....

Take a look around r/DestinyTheGame at Reddit. There are subreddits that are dedicated to matching “Sherpas” up with first timers across all platforms. If you happen to be on PS4, my clan still runs it almost weekly, we have a few new members that could use the gear, and there are a few drops STILL eluding some of us.

I’m sorry, did your vagina not immediately hermetically seal itself when he said Trump would be a good president?

I’ve got a beard, a miata and my name is CWilson. Now I need a racecar.

Pendleton is the bane of the Native American community that makes them.

This is the sort of shit that people on the right believe which is leading to these acts of terrorism. I am pasting this verbatim from a comment on another website, one of many expressing similar sentiments:

Few things I could confirm from the Chinese writings are:

It will have a slightly better display.

I just think that I just need to accept that a tablet will never be the all in one device solution that I want it to be. Make it too large and you decrease portability, make it too small and you remove the experience of tv and movies. Not only that, but it will never be powerful enough for 3D design. We are still a

The problem is the surface pro is a “Real” computer. At the end of the day, unless the surprise is that the ipad pro runs full OSX, you’re still really just lugging around a real, real big iphone (and mind you I like my ipad....but if I’m trying to get work done, laptop all the way)