fuck off with your bullshit, shit for brains. Show your proof
fuck off with your bullshit, shit for brains. Show your proof
must be nice to have such an easy life that politics don't matter
“They’re all corrupt!”
Hey, feel free to correct the author. I’m sure we’re all waiting with bated breath.
The whole reason you’re driving in the first place is Politics. Government agencies come up with rules of the roads, that whole mpg increase is political, even environmental issues are political, you can’t escape it.
that’s why they’re grasping so hard at straws. It’s all for “whataboutism” and “both sides are bad”.
Story is literally about a vehicle = Jalopnik.
And Trump mused about shooting someone dead in the middle of the street while not losing a single vote... and he’s right.
It is about cars and car payments. Blame your GOPer’s for politicizing the Bidens buying a Ford Raptor.
With that said I’m still 7 grand down on my Pathfinder so if any Chinese spies wanna cut me a slice I’m listening
The fact that the angle is now “what if these car payments were CHINESE BRIBES” suggests that “Hunter smoked crack at a white house hooker party!” didn’t pan out as well as Fox and Friends thought it would.
I’m here to read the comments to comments about articles here. Please keep comments to a maximum, it is now more entertaining than the articles here.
I am here to read comments about the article. Not complaints. There’s a lot of us that are just fed up with ALL commenters complaining about an article. Can you just focus on article content?
They are also stuck in a place where they have to keep pushing it in their primaries to get on the ticket, but then dealing with the fallout in the general elections (at least on statewide votes). I don’t think they really expected the level of blowback they’ve gotten since it passed, which is why all of the new…
BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden good father, Republicans pissed
In case you’re not aware of how these websites work, you’ve added to their metrics by both clicking on the article and commenting on it. Therefore making it more likely to see more articles like this in the future. Good job!
“I hate this politics shit!” [clicks link] “Why can’t I just read about cars stuff here.” [leaves comment] “That’ll show ‘em.” [shits pants]
Since Roe v Wade got overturned and everyone who cried fake votes lost their election/got sued into oblivion, it’s getting a bit harder to enrage the base. Waiting for the next turd that will stick to the wall.
Because Hunter Biden is a fuckup, that’s why. And so far all the GOP has ever managed to dig up... is that Hunter has been a fuckup. And so far as I’ve seen, it’s not illegal to be a fuckup. We all know one. Most of us have at least one in our families.
Muddying the waters for low-information angry voters to feel ok voting for autocratic Christo-fascism and thinking that “both side are equally bad” crap fueled by the for profit media.