Art Vandelay Silva

Not only that, but Tesla’s primary market segment of first adopters were the ones who believed in Saint Elon, the visionary liberal, futurist. His behavior over Twitter has pretty much dispelled all parts of that image. How many of his followers want to follow Elon the alt-right slur-champion and world renowned

I have no idea who’s voting NP on this. Even as a delusional fan of cars from the isle of misfit toys, I can’t get on board at that price.

What a sad, hateful little bubble you live in if you believe any of that shit.

Im sure you're totally qualified and have definitely spent years studying environmental sciences, ocean chemistry, atmospheric sciences, etc etc enough to make that claim. You couldn't possibly be just rehashing info you've heard but don't understand in the slightest.

Fuck off with the promotional bs. There are enough ads on this site already ffs

Rather than regurgitating what other people say on Facebook, maybe do some of your own research. 1c over 150 years is not a good sign. Maybe, start with “Wet-bulb temperature” and go from there in your studies.

Top Gun: Maverick was like if the Ace Combat games had a story you could follow. (Which i guess is a compliment?) I have a feeling that the Born to Fly was about as good as the Ace Combat games.

She obviously takes shit.  She just hired a disgraced actor who is a walking HR complaint to be on her show.  

I’m embarrassed to admit that after I saw the movie, I went out and bought an F-35 Lightning II. My wife was pissed to say the least.

almost as many times as Kotaku does about Amouranth

honestly the simple answer is you restore the cockpit without actually replacing the internal hardware (just make the lights and switches for fun effect). Then give it a good once over with some paint on the outside. then just set it up in Vegas or Nashville as a tourist trap. maybe allow people to reserve it for

Lol you’re right. We should put lead back in gas and paint too while we’re at it! Female genital mutilation is part of religion too, let’s all adopt that as well! Child marriage! Killing your sons because god dared you to!

“Who asked you for your imput?”

“Restaurants have started this way for decades.”

Ugh I wouldn’t trust food made in some randos uninspected kitchen.

Yeah I’m just thinking about how strict the regs are in PA about food service.

Depends on the state. It is currently illegal in Illinois, but becomes legal this Saturday. There are still rules. No shipping out of state. No shipping of anything “potentially hazardous,” you can’t sell (deep breath) meat, poultry, seafood, shellfish, pumpkin pies, sweet potato pies, cheesecakes, custard pies, creme

Is it legal to sell bootleg pasta out of your apartment?  I feel like that’s some pretty serious health code violating right there...?