How much do those motivational anecdotes really matter though? These are grown ass men being paid millions of dollars to do a job.
How much do those motivational anecdotes really matter though? These are grown ass men being paid millions of dollars to do a job.
It really is a twisted sort of “gotcha” moment, to illicit an emotional response we didn’t need to be privy to. Asshole move for sure.
Great song.
How do you feel about graham crackers?
Stop him, oh, stop him.
Um, I think that’s more of a misogynistic Howard Stern fan.
This YouTube video has been viewed more than 466,ooo times. Let that sink in for a second.
Now I’ve got that stupid song playing in my head.
I’ve searched high and low for the episode where he drove a Ferrari 333SP. Can’t find it.
Hannity: “Quick! Get some more footage of Kimmel doing street interviews with a boner!”
This guy’s nickname should be “CTE”.
“and the asking is $10,900CAD.”
You must be new around these parts.
I definitely think they should hold off on writing anything about F1 results until you give them the go ahead.
24 Hour Fitness runs a personal trainer infomercial on a loop. The same one, everyday, on the TV in front of the stationary bikes. At this point the hate in my heart for that infomercial fuels my workouts.
This is good kinja.