Art Vandelay Silva

Why don’t you guys just plant tulips while you’re at it?

He’s one second away from breaking daddy’s finger.

I was yelling that exact thing at the TV. No fucking way they got the spot so perfect that they can measure with a piece of paper. What a clown show.

Andy Benoit was RIGHT. Suck it, Deadspin.

I don’t have him on my fantasy team, but I still filet bad for him.

I think it looks okay, just needs more vents in the front bumper.

Do they work on this?:

Pussy has always been the Barber twins’ downfall.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Oh, it won’t die. It’ll be the beginning of the end for our dear leader.

Either way, I can’t wait to watch the fireworks.

That’s not even the best Celica.

Holy shit. So Weight Watchers strategy in the ‘70s was to make food so visually unappealing that dieters would just starve the weight off.


Why not? Because the NFL would go out of business.

I’d love that when the kids are acting up. Fold down the tailgate, strap the kids in, and hit the freeway.

I don’t know how to feel about this comment.

It’s nightmare fuel.

I’d been wondering what Tebow was up to these days.