Art Vandelay Silva

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“ that spinning hotel in Inception.”

That you need ritalin?

+(Seal Team) 6


Albert? Can I call you Albert? I just wanted to chime in and let you know I never get tired of Uranus.

Which is surprising, considering how many watts are being produced.

But he ain’t no n...nevermind

Wait, don’t you understand? The stadium sells tickets all by it’s self. It’s got the best views and best “atmosphere” of any ballpark in the league. And we’ve got Madbum, his stare has gotta be worth a thousand season tickets, right? Hunter Pence is such a character, that’s another 500 at least. We survived the

Or in Uranus.

Thanks, officer.

So this is a circle-jerk for Jez writers. ? Got it.

“Obama laid more oil pipeline...”

Yeah, but he was no William Van Landingham.


Pretty much!

$kay, that’s clearly a very well executed replica 348 TB.

Edited: I’m an idiot.