Art Vandelay Silva

Why am I not surprised Baylor University is in Waco. That makes too much sense.

Wait, Ricky Martin is gay?

As longtime Giants fan, I endorse this comment.

We live in the age of cornrow rows.

There was no “young” Luke Perry.

Please tell me Charlotte threw in a bag of chips.

I nominate you for this noble task.

So Daniel Day-Lewis is going to have to stay in character as Daniel Day-Lewis, indefinitely? I’m sure he’ll be nominated for an Oscar for his portrayal in a couple of years.

OT, but have you seen Jon Gruden’s son, Deuce Gruden? Dude looks like Hamilton Nolan on juice:

April 17, 2006.

Vlade would probably throw in an unprotected 2020 pick-swap for the chance to trade down, just because.

Seriously. It’s a minor miracle that no one else was hurt. Every single part of this makes me sick to my stomach.

Cute couple.

Kraft’s gonna make Bettis take the bus back the U.S.

Rick Perry is a knob.

Dude, where’s the NSFW tag? The guy sounds like he shot his load all over the highway.

He was driving on a ROAD. He saw Muslims walking, and flew into a RAGE. = ROAD RAGE.*

Yep, Abraham Zapruder would be proud.

Of course it was. Fuck ‘em all. 2020 can’t come too soon.