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More like Bartool Sports.
“I can’t believe they convinced semi-famous and successful athletes to do this show.”
I’m gland I’m not the only one who feels that way.
Came here to say exactly that.
Holy shit, that profile picture leaves me with some questions.
He’s too busy being a “brand” to write.
Duuude, sick post.
Dude...Bro...Sick buuuurnout.
Go to bed, you’re drunk. And probably an asshole.
I’m going to get destroyed for saying this, but should we be attacking this woman just because she’s the spawn of the shithead in chief? I get it, she’s clueless, and it’s a bad look. But what’s she supposed to do? Never post anything on social media? Hide for the next four years? Don’t get me wrong, I hate all these…
Hot take alert: A guy as valuable as Mike Trout shouldn’t be sliding headfirst.
I, for one, am on the edge of my seat waiting to hear how all of his former mistresses feel about this latest bad news for Tiger Woods.
Would be more accurate if they were coming out of his ass.
With the way he’s coaching those kids, I’m amazed Lonzo’s been able to reach a point where he’ll be top 3 pick in the NBA draft. Can you imagine what this asshole is like when the cameras AREN’T on him?
Iceman? More like Inhuman.
Outsourcing the repression of those who oppose the will of the rich and powerful. What’s more American than that?!