
Excerpt from the documentary about this in 2042:
“this lead to the Weiner-Bun compromise of 2021 where both agreed to 9 being the optimal number as it allowed packaging to be neatly square which improved shipping. The weiner manufacturers also agreed because they could then sell one less weiner per package at the same

We’re talking corporate America here so you know that if there is a change it won’t be adding buns to the package. They’ll reduce the number of hot dogs and charge the same price. 

I’m happy that you’re back, despite your terrible take on Bulbasaur.

Kinja does need to be fixed though!

Welcome back!

Usually I’d say use a rubber for protection, but in this case... maybe you need protection from the rubber.

People are frustrated cos shit isn’t happening fast enough, but shit is definitely happening.

Why wouldn’t there be tuna in it?

Not even that. With tuna salad your looking at cooked tuna, mixed with mayo (egg, oil, probably other stuff). Whatever else they add flavoring or veg wise.

Comment that is wildly out of place because infinite scrolling led to the comment section of a different article.

Weirdly horny comment about a fictional character. 

Comment accusing Kotaku of being paid by publisher for coverage.

Comment offering very legitimate career opportunity making $7,000 a month working from home, possibly doing video game blogs.

Reply that no one forced you to read the article in the first place.

Comment asking to be let out of the grays. 

I was asking one of the few people on the Right side of politics I am still in touch with about why he hates CRT, and he sent me a link to a whole essay. It boiled down to a few leaps in logic:

Figured the amiibo would look more like this:

Plus makes poster worthy cars.

I like that this seems to be expanding the Metroid lore, which the franchise desperately needs. Good to have Samus face off against somebody other than Ridley and his goons, Mother Brain, or Metroid Prime.