
Renting games is one of those things that just kind of went away without us realizing it. I accidentally rented Super Mario RPG when it first came out. I didn’t know what RPG stood for at the time but just thought, cool new Mario game. I would not have bought it had I known the style as my only experience with turn

A quick search on the Trademark Electronic Search System says that an “OP Foods, LLC” based out of Seattle filed a trademark registration on the term “Chiking” with the USPTO on February 14, 2021. BK only submitted a trademark on “Ch’King” two weeks ago.

I think the most disgusting thing about this whole mess is the fact that Amazon is still showing ads during her broadcast and taking all of the money. They didn’t shut off her ads. If they did that, this would be a lot less controversial. But as is, they’re literally stealing the money she’s raising.

There’s a shit ton of stuff on Twitch that has nothing to do with being related to gaming. It stopped being a purely gaming-related space a looong, long time ago.

In fact, they are specifically taking advantage of one of the changes to Twitch’s dress code policies from just over a year ago (posted April 2020)

Sad to find he isn’t a redhead. Now I can’t make a “Can’t catch me I’m the Ginger-Bread man! Narrator: Catching him was a (Ginger)snap.”

A woman who wants you to move into a cave and start up a cannibalism fueled incest clan might be the origin of the advice “don’t stick your dick in crazy”.

As a fellow lifetime Harry Potter fan what I always wanted growing up was to know what the wizarding community/history was like in the United States.

Lol, so basically all the interspecies predators with a pathological deficit of empathy and compassion—or put another way, people too dangerous to society to just be out and walking around.

I’m for prison abolition except for white collar crime. Basically, just serial killers and white collar criminals in jail together.

We both know the answer to this lol.

We all love competence, but doing this whole yas kween thing with any politician is fucking horrifying. They’re public servants, they work for us, and the higher up they get the more likely they are to be working publicly against the will and best interest of most Americans. They’re not all soulless ghouls, but your

Psaki does an excellent job. If one of the Black women floated for the job shut shit down the way she does, I wonder if members of the press corps would publicly “root” for her “warmth” or decide she is “abrasive” actually. 

Yeah, I remember Trump getting “destroyed” and “eviscerated” so many times in 2016, the words have no meaning anymore

my favorite hyperbole in this context is “EVISCERATES”, always makes me LOL

Never has P.J. O’Rourke’s quip about the Republican Party been more true:

Yeah?  Which party’s presidents actually put proposals and bills forth for voting and passage?  Obama’s shovel-ready stimulus was plastered all over road and bridge signs around me for a few years.  Biden is pushing hard.  Cheeto pres never even tried to care.

Just because the cheeto president said it was “infrastructure week” periodically, doesn’t mean that the GOP actually really tried to do anything. They never had a damn bill. Truly pathetic attempt at governance.

Unfortunately, it’s not just the roads and bridges that are going to shit.

If she were 5'6", wearing dirty sweatpants and matching color dirty sweatshirt and someone took a blurry picture of her from far away, then people would still be masturbating to it.

If you can’t handle Dimitrescu at her monster form, you don’t deserve her at her mommymilker form