You do realize that it actually IS just a meme, right?
You do realize that it actually IS just a meme, right?
I am guessing the finish line was not in view.
I think it’s the diplomatic way of saying: “Thank you individual developers for trying your hardest, but your management is a clusterfuck, so sorry not sorry.”
(Cough) Duke Nukem Forever (Cough)
CP being good (and I maintain it’s not) isn’t even part of it’s success, it sold millions in pre-orders. You don’t do that with quality, you do that with hype, and it was pretty much the most hyped game ever.
That’s a fairly congratulatory tone for him just saying “I’ve thought about it a lot.” Sure, that’s better better than “no” but the bar is pretty low. Why not just have a female Doom Slayer that can do all the same stuff, but is female? (This has the bonus of making it more feasible because it’s less work than coming…
And then they had to go and cast Halle Berry...
That design really needs reworking though, I mean yeesh does it scream 90s horny college guy.
Spider-Man had at least five at one point. Amazing Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, Sensational Spider-Man, Peter Parker: Spider-Man and Untold Tales of Spider-Man were all running simultaneously around 1996-97.
To be fair, he did have FIVE aces and deserved to be shot.
Superboy and The Legion Of Superheroes #209 was the first comic book I ever read and, shortly thereafter, Tyroc was the first Black Superhero I ever saw followed by John Stewart, Falcon, Luke Cage and Storm, in that order. I was a kid so I didn’t pick up on the racial aspect of the characters until later. When I did,…
Last time I checked neither EA nor Activision murdered someone, treated women like property or punished homosexuality with whip lashes. So maybe get a grip on reality and realize how banal your dislike of a video game publisher is! Thank you.
It was widely downloaded and hosted, so it’s safe to assume Newgrounds’ view count is not representative of the number of actual views back then.
This is triggering a midlife crisis in me. We all have no chance to survive, so we must all make our time. We cannot say that all our days are belong to us.
That era also brings back memories of ebaumsworld, YTMND and, one of my favorite things ever, the G.I. Joe PSAs
So what you’re saying is that this meme is old enough to... capture bases?
I’ll show myself out
I lost my mind at seeing Beavis reflected in the mirror instead of Link at the start