
Who the hell buys three boxes of kiwis? Wait, don’t let the white woman answer that.

VanillaISIS” might be the best thing you’ve ever done. This week. That is just perfection in its purest form.

I do love me some chocolate-covered raisins. I’ve also been known to house an entire bag of yogurt-covered raisins in one sitting. I’m not picky.

I think even in normal times it’d be best to have plexiglass shields between the ladies and patrons.

I’m not sure if it did? I found the picture and added the text to it myself. I make this comment pretty much anytime I am offered Arby’s because that’s just how my brain works. I don’t think Arby’s has even called it the Big Montana in over a decade. Glad you enjoy it, though!

Now playing

Why just at night? I have it on good authority that you can have pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, and pizza at supper time.

I wish there was an Arby’s closer to where I live

..figuring out why people consume candy corn in a world where Skittles, Starburst and Now & Laters exist.

Were they looking to match the amount of calories in the meal with the number of times his music is streamed per day/hour?

In college we referred to candy corn as candy crack. I’d buy a bag, keep it by my desk, and if I didn’t close it and put it on the other side of the room I would eat it all in one sitting. I stan candy corn and I’m not ashamed to admit it. They have my sword, my bow, my heart, and someone else’s axe.

Something about cdwag has never quite stuck right with me. Like I’m never sure if they’re legit or trolling but keeping it close. And by never I mean for years. Like even their comments on Splinter.

the comic is set in “a universe where only Black people have superpowers beyond what the world believes is possible.”

I was reminded of the EDF games yesterday and realized I hadn’t played one since the first one on the 360. Checked Steam and downloaded EDF5 last night. Looking forward to saving the planet from giant bugs this weekend.

There’s a cover band in Chicago that plays at a lot of street festivals (Rod Tuffcurls & the Bench Press) that occasionally plays the Final Fantasy victory tune between songs. While it’s playing, everyone fist bumps the air while chugging their beverage. I introduced the missus to Final Fantasy 3 on the SNESMini a few

At least it was an appearance? There’s teams out there that have never even been to the Super Bowl.

He’s sure that if he just keeps on shucking and jiving for them they’ll eventually pass his Walter Scott Notification Act. Probably practices his act at night hoping that this time, this time, Ol’ Mitch will put it up for a vote.

You’re right. I can taste the pain and suffering.

I like raisins. I like yogurt-covered raisins. I also like oatmeal raisin cookies (but rum raisin ice cream is lame). Looking through the comments it seems that I’m making some sort of bold or stunning proclamation just for liking a fruit.

That’s a good tip. They’re not ones I want to use but I can power them up once to complete some daily task and then Oak ‘em.