I’ve noticed a glaring lack of sponsor logos on those suits.. I’m sure ESPN will take care of that though.
I’ve noticed a glaring lack of sponsor logos on those suits.. I’m sure ESPN will take care of that though.
Average maybe, not this parent. “Oh that game? Lemme just look at the reviews here and some screenshots... awesome, awesome, best overall, love it and so did my kid, greatest game evar, I love toast, moar gamez lik dis plz, this game is a scam and isn’t what it says it is.. don’t buy this its fake, hmmm. NOPE. Pick a…
You forgot to include the one rule: You can’t use your eyes.
When we’re all boosting to level 25, what the fuck is the point then? Yay, everyone starts out at L25 now.. why don’t we just call L25 L1? Why not then just boost everyone to L40? Skip the bullshit soft levels and just go straight to the meat? I’ve never understood level boosting in these games. It takes away the…
All I’m saying is, I had better be able to get into a godsdamned airship, fly it manually wherever the fuck I want to fly it, land it, get out and kill some things I probably shouldn’t be killing right now, get back in my airship, take off and do it again in another corner of the open world map. Also, motorcycles. And…
I still keep a watchful eye on this machine, specifically the memory cards. I was able to snap up a 16gb card for I think it was 10 bucks at Target once because it was clearance. The exorbitant price of the cards is really what I think killed it for everyone. If they were even half their stupid price it would have…
I just discovered - that this has already been verified by others after reading the still pending approval comments. Late to the party again it seems. Feel free to just delete these posts as it doesn’t add anything useful.
I discovered last night, and this may just be me in my game, but I was able to get caps waaaay faster than single bullets. I did the same infinite cap trick, the only difference was I tried to actually buy the same ammo I was glitching, cause ya know, .308 is handy sometimes. I glitched the ammo to about 200, bought…
“preschoolers who receive more than one out-of-school suspension.” ~this, this actually happens...? FFS, how does a preschooler deserve OSS? That’s like punishing a 6mth old for not going to sleep right away. My mind can’t take this bullshit circus we live day to day. Can we focus on the actual problems and stop…
If they can stop making new gimmicks, and instead focus on refining the gimmicks that worked, then I think they’d have a bit more staying power. Can you imagine if the WiiU was combined with the PS4 and XBone’s capabilities? It truly would be a force to recon with. Might even have some games worth playing on it.
I was going to post something very similar to this strategy. It can be summed up by just saying “Get the crap out so you can get to the good stuff.” I usually start with how I want to start, and then just tweak that into oblivion until I get what I’m happy with. I rarely get to version 3 of any idea, because v2 is…
First: Tell my boss that, and don’t mind if I sit back and laugh at how far you didn’t get.
I think I can count myself lucky to have been able to read the original comics as a paperback form the 60’s thanks to the old farmhouse I grew up in. I stopped reading the Peanuts right around the 90’s, but I never really knew why. I think this article shed some light on that, and now I want to go back and reread the…
Short story: It scared the crap out of me, like it does everyone, when I first heard my mini-me barking like a seal. He had been fine all day, playing and doing things I wish he wouldn’t and then BAM! 2AM rolls around and there’s a rabid dog in the next room. Rushing my frothing (OK, not really frothing, I do love the…
I’ve used Aaron’s services once for my first big TV. They did a pretty good job explaining that I would be paying about double what the list price was (at the time total cost was about 4k$ vs the 2k$ it cost retail), but me being naive and wanting to get some credit built did it anyways. I don’t regret the purchase,…
Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve pretty much stopped playing altogether because I can’t justify spending another 40$ on two expansions when I can’t even really get anywhere in the main game without grinding my character to death. The major lack of a real story or even plot movement in an bare bones universe is lackluster…
They are, there’s just about 100 fewer available from the typical size run of 10 Small, 25 Medium, 1,150 Large, 1,150 XL, 125 XXL, 25 XXXL and 5 4X. ~I work in the tshirt industry.