Me. Because The Bouncer was fuckin’ dope as gosh. I hooked that thing up to my Framemeister recently and played it in wonderful 1080p and it was both the dumbest thing imaginable and also 100% perfect.
Do you think that being asked to leave a restaurant, or having your meal interrupted, or being called by the public…
Obviously somebody’s never been on a farm... that cow’s obviously pooing over the ring onto the floor.
On the latest episode of Lifehacker’s podcast The Upgrade, psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman talked…
Look, even if this shit had been nothing but actual pranks, that’s still an evil thing to do to your child. Your kid should never, ever feel tricked by you. On purpose. For your amusement.
Well hey maybe you should stop telling Lifehacker Offspring what to write articles on. They’re doing it how they please and they’re doing a great job. K, thx bye
Having kids usually means having to buy a lot of things for them, which means accumulating a massive amount of…
Welcome to Offspring: the site for parents, would-be parents, friends of parents, or childlike souls who just enjoy…
Last month, we told you not to plant the wildflower seeds that Cheerios is giving away to help “bring back the…
Hmmm, while they clearly are meant to portray super sentai, I don’t think it is too similar to Saban’s new Power Rangers movie costume design.
Like most ways of measuring things, the United States uses a different temperature scale than most of the rest of…
There have been a lot of great films released since the year 2000, but some of them stood above the rest and…
There’s an insidious quirk to your brain that, if you let it, can drive you absolutely batty. Tell me if this sounds…
Some Florida State football players visited Montford Middle School in Tallahassee yesterday, but Leah Paske didn’t…
Way back in 2013, I wrote about a mod called Enderal, a very ambitious attempt at creating an all-new game out of Sky…
Square Enix is calling it Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age. Here’s the debut trailer.
Many parents dole out punishment when their children do something bad, but Alan Kazdin, director of the Yale…