
We'll get Lollipop, when Mint* comes out.

Hmmm... continue on in a week of standard schooling that doesn't really deviate from any other week aside from the curriculum, OR trade that week for a life experience that many do not have the opportunity to have, let alone tell the stories that come from those experiences?

Well, I am one of those that thought 'just start and go', but fortunately I didn't' really preach it, but I have offered it as advice when asked. That said, I am not above changing my mind in the face of sound logic and physics. Consider at least one less idiot on the planet thanks to this post and it's comments.

Just a thought: What if trucks were equipped with some special kind of lighting that visibly showed the areas around the truck that NONE SHALL PASS into? You know, so people could easily see say, a yellow area on the ground in front of the truck and think to themselves "Hey, I shouldn't go in there"? With the

I still play, albeit sprinkled in with some Warframe and GTA V. Once I hit the soft cap and the grind set in like rigor my enthusiasm has kind of died off a bit.. which is disheartening because A) I paid full retail B) I foolishly bought into the hype C) It didn't very long at all to hit the soft cap. In the end it

I got ran over by Wonder Woman's Invisible Car... multiple times. On my PS4, playing as Hurk. It was funny at first, but then it just... wasn't.

It was simple for me, at least on paper: I just switched out my student loans for one mortgage.

Here's what our group does: Go T-or-T in our own neighborhood even though more than half of the houses don't give out or are going to other neighborhoods themselves. Once we've made the rounds on a couple blocks then we head up to the Halloween Cheaters, aka 'Trunk-or-Treats" for some easy grabs, then we head to

Wow. Thank you for your enlightening response to my 3 year old reply. I can sleep now.

"it's all about the beta testing community to give us feedback—what kind of content do they want to see on the service, what kind of features, and on and on. I really encourage folks to give us that feedback on what they want to see in the future."

This is true only for games you didn't pay for, the free games they hand out like candy. In the terms, if you paid even one cent for a game, it's yours even if the PS+ lapses. So to not allow you to keep the game after you've effectively paid 50$ for it would be insane.

I think it will stick around if only because a lot of us don't have the cash to upgrade our HDDs to multi-terabytes, nor do some of us have the patience for a 25+GB game to download. Once space becomes so negligible that to speak of it raises eyebrows, will physical media die. Oh wait, Playstation Now is already

That wouldn't really be suspend, but more hibernate

I don't watch cable... so I'm good. This is mainly for my video games, internet subbys and blu-ray.

Being someone who cries when a SD show is on and gripes when its 720p and not 1080p, yes I will pay to spoil my eyes. That and I'm paying for all the stuff it does on top of just showing pretty pictures, stuff that I use daily. For me, it was and still is worth the investment. That the price has held steady despite

So long as the text is large enough to read (I can have HUGE menus and panels, with more than enough room for larger text, but the text remains just small enough to barely make out) then I shall give it the ol' college try. Otherwise I'm out. It looks amazing, but if I have to strain to read then it just isn't worth

The camera is back in stock!! At Gamestop... for a rapey price.. nothx. I'll just wait until its in stock at other vendors at the retail price.

"public housing complex" = Flag #1 this isn't a real bomb- it looks far to sophisticated for an area like that. I mean if someone has the technical skill to create a bomb of that supposed calibur I have to believe they would be targeting a high profile area.

I design and process artwork for t-shirts. Changing the world, I am not. It's taken almost 10 years to get a hint of 'Legacy'. Mastery is pretty well already established and Freedom is too far away to see.

I have to wonder... could the ever lasting popularity of FF characters past be because of two things: 1) The majority of us who know them were very young, and as such, impressionable. 2) We had to READ everything at a pace we controlled, and thus it stuck in our minds a lot longer than simply hearing the voices.