I use my brain to make sense of words. Done.
I use my brain to make sense of words. Done.
I'd like to see one of these with kids, like some have already stated, but also supporting their significant other
Easiest way for me to save money? Don't tell my SO I have it to begin with. Her favorite thing to do is spend it down to nothing and then doesn't understand when I get pissed that we are always so broke. Of course when needed things that we don't have money for magically appear (because I tapped into what I was able…
I was thinking the same thing: "how could I do this but make the legs hinged when closed but also useable in its folded position?"
Interesting, I had an unpromoted idea very similar to this, except my idea is 2 player.
It's almost like Nintendo is stuck inside it's own box with but a tiny window to look out of, sees only little kids playing, and it fearlessly claims this as the only reality there is. Another, perhaps more familiar and more accurate analogy might be: The tree that bends is the tree that stands tallest.
What if you layered a game on top of the Tetris gameplay? I'm thinking of a multiplayer where one player is essentially playing Tetris, while Player 2/Comp is playing a sort of platformer using the Tetrominoes Player 1 is using. The challenge would be to work together while accomplishing two very different goals:…
Wait wait wait. You're actually asking Grown Adults to 'Take Turns'? LOL. Really!? You'll get farther asking children to do this. Even if half of us try to do this, inevitably we'll eventually just give up because the other half won't.
I was just about to post this. You should post it correctly though: Lana Del Rey - Video Games 2011
The one thing that keeps going off in my headmeat: Will I be able to get it to work on a PS4...? Only hardcore DIYers and/or time will tell.
I think my biggest complaint is Google Now. It never has an active microphone and I haven't figure out how to make be as cool as I think it should be based on peer reviews. It is useful and neat, when I can get it to work; since it consistently resigns itself to stay in the background and only ever appear when I…
This isn't your grandpappy's Second Life meets LIttle Big Planet. No, this is more like Salvador Dali and Yves Tanguy's Second Planet. Also: There will be penises. Of that, there is no doubt.
Hackers gonna hack.
I have a meager lvl15 approaching 16. There is only one other person on my friends list that is above lvl 10- he is lvl12. I think if you hit lvl100 you should get a 50$ PSN card, or free year of PS+ or something to signify that achievement.
I thought Raw Milk was illegal...
That worked for about 3 months with my 3 year old. He knows that if the light isn't on- the controller doesn't do anything, and if nothing happens when he pushes a specific button when the light is on? Let's just say my reflexes have gotten better at catching flying controllers (he doesn't throw it as much anymore…
This was the very first piece of software I actually paid for. I am saddened a bit.
The only things I was able to detect were smoother frame rate, slightly (very slightly) different textures, not improved in any way, just different and the backgrounds scaled properly in proportion to the approximate distance on the PS4 version when the game pulled back from something. The scaling was the most…