
I work almost 55 hours a week. It isn't because I like to, rather it is because I can't afford not to.

Remove DRM, but more importantly- adopt the 'pay what you want' model. It's been a proven success each time someone uses that method. Substance would then trump volume, I think, as a side effect.

90% or so of my typos are actually transpositions. Which is seriously frustrating because it feels like my fingers have dyslexia, lol.

Magnets? How do they work? Oh, already answered above. Good job.

The sound of the entrance door opening at approximately 7:40am... (chime) Boss is in, time to stop reading Lifehacker and get some actual design done. Of course then I get to the 2-3pm mark with nothing left to actually do, and start making up stuff to do to look busy...

You've -> You #corrections

And even if you are bad at it, I've found if I announce how bad the joke was I just tried- it's immediately forgiven. acknowledge your failure, and move on.

I use my hand to wrap cords around, and usually have a twist-tie/variant on hand to keep them in the loop tied close to the base of the adapter part. Really long cords like power extension cords or Ethernet cable lines, I use my hand and elbow, then wrap a bit around the middle to keep it together.

When All Hope is Lost. or when a major new version OS is out...

Let me just say this: 12 Cup system, it works. Also, I have a picc-line at home.

Personally I use RadarNOW for its speed to get the 'right now' map. Otherwise I use the app that Beautiful Widgets provides in its widget, it's fast, shows the forecast I want and generally stays out of my way until I need it. It may not be the über weather tool- but it does what I need it to.

Droid Razr OG: Verizon Grandfathered Unlimited Data- I use about 45GB/mth on my phone, 50GB/mth on my other line. I'm kind of a data whore. I stream Hulu and Netflix as well as PS3 downloads/online gaming. 4G is as fast as the second lowest tier offered to me by Concast. I mean Comcast.

I've been doing this for the past few years now- this and Illustrator. My production can only get faster with automation now (which I secretly work on when I have time).

And then there's this: which is pretty cool.

Girlfriend: "Why you got a chubby?"

I guess I'm just willing to adapt more, or I adapt quicker than most- I've been using Win8 as intended since beta.. and I don't plan on stopping... its like a blend between ChromeOS and Win7, both of which I use regularly and don't mind either. I rarely go to teh Win8 desktop to do something, and when I do, it usually

Having just re-painted our entire house I can say that I've used all three methods mentioned above. I found for me that using the Blue Tape and a good 4" brush for long straight edges was best (trimming 4" down from the ceilings and windows/door trim), The Shur-Line edger was a breeze for the ceilings themselves

Having just re-painted our entire house I can say that I've used all three methods mentioned above. I found for me that using the Blue Tape and a good 4" brush for long straight edges was best (trimming 4" down from the ceilings and windows/door trim), The Shur-Line edger was a breeze for the ceilings themselves

Having just re-painted our entire house I can say that I've used all three methods mentioned above. I found for me that using the Blue Tape and a good 4" brush for long straight edges was best (trimming 4" down from the ceilings and windows/door trim), The Shur-Line edger was a breeze for the ceilings themselves

Why not– here it is. questions? ask.