I've used this since about three hours after you posted it..
I've used this since about three hours after you posted it..
I've thought about being over paranoid and encrypting my data.. but my data just isn't worth it- everything gets wiped eventually, most of my personal data is public anyway- and to my knowledge the only enemies I have are the unknowns trying to fish for dumb people. I don't hide except in plain sight, and the only…
A Hario Skerton coffee grinder would be just perfect.
Lucky for me I share my name with someone more famous than I :) and even then, knowing my state, I'm still buried with other professionals. You'll find me if you're really looking for me, though. General searches are obfuscated.
Whenever I hear "I don't like this new thing" I immediately imagine old people who have an aversion to change period. Just hate on it because it's different than the comfort of old.
I've always had pretty decent luck with just tapping the tab on the top of the can about 5 or 6 times.
I'm so glad Socrates lives in my head, problem is- I get into sometimes lengthy discussions with him.. and that sort of freaks people out. Why?
No rollover, and I usually end up taking vacation days to augment sick days or our un-paid 'days off' for when we're slow.
"If the critical concern for you is environmental sustainability, or putting your money where your agricultural mouth is, then you have a compelling reason to keep buying organic." - Thank you for helping to validate the reasoning why I try to buy organic. The main obstacle to that is cost though. It seems using less…
I was really hoping that was what this was for, or at least both OS's.
Except that the fastest way for me to get Libreoffice is via torrent. and not just Libreoffice, but other open source or otherwise free and rather large programs/OSs like practically any Linux distro. So its not just that easy to 'go clean', especially when you already are being clean.
Bank Simple. Where is it?
VOTE: Launcher Pro
I routinely blend whole stick cinnamon with my whole bean coffee- makes for a very tasty coffee, which is made even better by my french press. Haven't tried nutmeg, but it isn't out of the question.
I always tell people to judge for themselves, but not after I've told them about the great speed they get with Chrome or Firefox, and the security being better with either of those two as well. I let them know that I personally use Chrome, but still hold onto Firefox in case there's an occasional site that doesn't…
DropBox: Cause everyone else uses it and tries to share stuff with me...
Last year I was able to rack up over 40GB from sharing, Now I just pay for my storage with Bitcoin, and it's still cheaper than DropBox. I love Wuala, and I love even more the fact they embrace Bitcoin.
VOTE: Droid RAZR MAXX (I have the RAZR, but the MAXX would be better for the battery)
Honestly, I pay more for my cable package than I would for the subscription model- I think that is what's truly insane. 50$/month for basically the Master Master Suite? Really its not a bad deal. Being a Graphics Professional I can bring in over that amount per week which is easily enough to pay for the subby cost. Is…
I try to stay as bleeding edge as i can afford, so I immediately switched it to HTML5 vs super buggy flash. No problems for the last 3 straight consecutive hours of playing with normal bandwidth usage. Already the biggest improvement is the lack of random pause/resume of random tracks. not one skip/stop thus far...…