I had belief... my dreams are all but shattered now. Why Motorola? Why!?
I had belief... my dreams are all but shattered now. Why Motorola? Why!?
@zakany001 I will try to extra padding trick, it seems like the metal 'hooks' aren't catching, but it could be that the gray pad is just compressed. @mcholewa22 I can still get the wifi at home to work, so i assume wifi works anywhere you can get it. GPS would work.. if you had a moving hotspot, lol. @ws450r I…
I second the bulletproof-ness of the OG Droid. Mine has only just started to show its age cosmetically. the only thing really wrong with it is the battery cover doesn't like to stay snug anymore (for whatever reason). I'm keeping it around because it's still a good phone/pocket computer, just haven't figured out what…
Literally just switched out my OG Droid to the shiny new RAZR three days ago. So far, RAZR=LOVE
Easy: "While in the Android Market in your desktop web browser"
"... Tobacco Workers..." -So THAT'S why they're so damn addictive...
To those of you who 'have to buy the softest': Please PLEASE continue to do so. Nothing is greater than chopping down a few trees to wipe your ass or blow your nose. Oxygen/Natural Beauty/Planet Health is way over-rated and blown out of proportion via #wedontneedtrees. /sarcasm
Does anyone else see ChromeOS via Everywhere in the next few months here? this is just a neat Start bar.... for Google.
I've done this- and it work supremely well. My garbage-men thank me, and so does my back.
In my case- the lids don't stay put, or a friendly neighborhood animal pops it open (raccoon, possum, dog, alien, etc).
I wish I could promote this.
VOTE: Wuala
Its pretty easy- Just delete your albums (or whichever category [Artist/Songs/Albums] you have the least of) from Google Music; tag your files, and re-upload. The tedious part is having to do it one at a time, which is why I recommend whichever category you have the least of :)
Well, in the case of more than one dog- you're right. To them, it was two against one = they win, pits or not. One more and you would have had a pack, and that's where it really gets dangerous.
+1 though most people aren't willing to get dirty.
Vote: Win7
You could also just knife attack its throat, hard. They seem to not like choking. By knife attack I mean with your hand, not a knife. Also, keeping light on your feet and 'dancing' with the dog tires them out and also frustrates them because your legs are keeping them from getting to your face, which is 90% of the…
Dogs most often make wonderful pets, however in certain circumstances, ANY type of dog can be dangerous. Even friendly dogs can inflict great harm in the wrong circumstance.
simply untrue. I've broken many pits from giving chase simply by showing them i wasn't scared and, while not necessarily freaking out on them, i did show that i wasn't going to let them intimidate me. most pits who chase are babies who just want to be puppies. the older ones are just like any other dog, want to chase…
I can't help but try to figure out what it says... I see lettering, after I saw the DS. neat.