
Sooo veddy nice.. Now I can dump a lot of apps that do most of that stuff for me already to get rid of bloat AND potentially make my system faster because of it! neat.

"Sometimes it can be pretty tough to stay motivated when you're committing a lot of time to a given project.." in my case, it should read: "Sometimes it can be pretty tough to stay motivated when you're committing a lot of time to another project for someone else that you get paid to do." since that is what hampers me

I can usually tell they're bored by the glazed look in their eyes... and that if I mention aliens and/or purple ants in a sentence and they don't catch it, I need to change the subject or just stop talking.

Will they post good things to my credit report by charging me to use my own money? If yes, then I'll keep it. If no, then peace. (obviously, the answer would be 'No')

Arttmonkey says "no".

Salt = Tongue Crack. Potato chip makers have known this for years.

"Site is down after being mentioned/winked at by Lifehacker" = Lifehacker Effect. NOT the site being hacked. FYI.

I would have, but F8 didn't give me that option. I swear I hit F8 and all I got were diagnostic options. Confused as I was that the disable option wasn't there, I just proceeded forward in order to recover the system. I was eventually able to get to the command prompt using the windows disc and do a chdsk that seemed

And when you can't boot to Safe Mode....?

So that's what the kids are calling it these days..

awesome, i transpose cahracters so often (<—- case in point) it's sickening. This should help save some seconds.

I shall now call it the FFOD. Frown Face of Death.

what about Music(beta) by Google? every new song/album/audio anything i put into my music folder (watched folder) is auto uploaded to the cloud, and instantly available on both my computer, a friends computer, my work computer and more importantly- my Android phone (OG DROID FTW!).. jus sayin'

I knew it was only a matter of time before someone figured out a way around the vice grips that are the current data plans... course this just means they will go back to tiered messaging... bastards..

I say SSD with no startup programs to pull that off. My ChromeOS boots in the same time frame (give or take second) and it's running from the SSD.

how'd you get into my house!?

You must live in a very, very nice, friendly and polite-as-can-be city then, cause out here- almost all the chains give a fig if you don't buy anything. you may still be allowed to use the loo, but don't expect a hearty smile and a wave when you're leaving. or if you come back.

They need this for Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop. I know the shortcuts so well I create my own.. but try training someone else to use them in order to save lots of time on things when they've come from a one hand interface background... I spend more time training than working some days.

yes, but it is quite good fun and a bit of sport to pretend one is British when one has been 'slurping back the ole' frothy', one might say. yes?

I'm changing my name to Illi Nois... I will sing about things being 'High' and it will not stick in people's heads. Evar. All in the name of lowering anxiety.