or you could just get a home user license of Teamviewer and do it remotely...
or you could just get a home user license of Teamviewer and do it remotely...
Not sure if this has been mentioned in the comments already or not- but I just rooted my GFs Eris in a matter of seconds with Super One Click 2.1.1. Same as my OG Droid- enable other apps, then went to USB debugging mode. SOC then did its thing. Voila! Rooted.
What about Wuala? I've currently got nearly 60GB across two computers- free. I can share them with whomever I want.. and there's no limitation of file size.
mines pretty simple, and effective according to my neighbors and my friends who sometimes talk about the local WiFi signals they've seen while setting up their own or were trying to connect to open networks, not knowing what mine was at the time.
So glad I'm not the only one..
Biggest thing for me, is getting over the anxiety attack when I even think about taking that first step towards a goal. Once I've accomplished that [seemingly impossible at times] task, it's full steam ahead and no one can stop me. It's how I became an Art Director, got my house, have two cars, etc..
Uhm, this is AMERICA... "Butter Flavor" is indeed the same thing as "Butter". You with your blasphemous remarks.. humph. Next your gonna say that "Potato Pearls" aren't potatoes! Or that Velveeta isn't cheese!
That's what the filters are for....
This is my nephew to a 'T'.
Unless the word you're using isn't in its dictionary...
To those of you that don't see the invitation link in your bar: it's because Google hit their 500 person quota, citing "too much demand! rawr!" Look for another round in a few days when they have their new mega ultra servers up.
Not showing up for me yet... I've had the service now since day one and I'm in the USA.
Both. Some posts I cross-post if I want it to gain a lot of attention, but if it's something a bit more specific I will post it where my target audience is. I'm using the different social clubs for ever divergent topics; at least until everyone migrates from Failbook to g+.
Agreed. I turn it to 78-80 degrees (in the summer, like now), she turns it down to about 70-72. BIG difference, and not just in temperature. A middle mark (74-76) is only acceptable if we're not there... talk about a headache everyday. Here's the best part— we're moving to Nevada in a few years.. Good thing part of…
So you're the guy!
I was going to mention Dwolla.. and yes, I use it with Bitcoin, but Dwolla by itself is still solid as far as I've experienced.
I've taken advantage of the free serviced offered by Sony. It was easy, painless, free and since I've signed up for it- I've gotten one email (aside form standard registration emails) saying my account up to that point was fine with no suspicious activities reported. Otherwise I barely remember it's there. so that…
So, Lifehacker seems to really be digging on the Google+... but it still has no +1 button? why?
Wuala also accepts Bitcoins (currently 10GB for 1BTC/year; a bit pricey considering the exchange rate), and has a bunch of coupon codes that can get you up to I believe about 14GB, usually has a 2GB signup bonus code and by trading I have earned 27GB and can earn more just by having my computer always connected to the…