
This thing is going to DIE if Google doesn't open the gates pretty soon- I have friends who have been desperately trying to get in via my invites and by posts and out of 17 people only two (2!) were able to join. Needless to say, everyone else is starting to not care, which in my corner of the earth- is a very


:cough: archaeology :cough: meteorology :cough: geology :coughhack: science in general :cough:

:cough: archaeology :cough: meteorology :cough: geology :coughhack: science in general :cough:

You mean, it's just like the other Real World currencies!? The only difference is that it isn't governed by a central authority and therefore isn't subject to things like inflation or 'always in debt' scenarios? No. Friggin'. Way.

I don't know anything about Diaspora, but Wave was actually really freaking awesome- it was just too far ahead of its time. most of my friends just kinda looked at it (after I invited them) and went 'uhhhh... neat "poke"' the others who did use it, were frustrated that not enough of their friends were using it- so it

I'm already tired of FB, so this looks very appealing to me. Groups on FB is so cumbersome, this looks to be much easier as its the forefront of thought rather than a tack-on. that and maybe the inevitable FB drama can be kept to a contained minimum and not spread like wildfire.

for that reason we only buy one set ahead. when a cartridge is replaced, another is bought; we always have one set in the printer, one set on hand.

Love, love, LOVE the Sugru. At first I was kind of intimidated at just what the stuff was- but then I opened it, started playing around with it, and almost immediately tons of little fixes/hacks/etc came to mind.

Now playing

4D only adds the measurement of time to the already present 3D; x,y,z plus w. 4D is not only time itself, though i understand what you were trying to say :). in the case of cinema- i was referring to advance holography which would show images in 'true' 3d. Think princess Leia when R2-D2 showed the message. The video

Ya know.. 3D isn't going away- BUT for those of you who can't stand it- might as well jump in ow. or wait until the technology irons itself out. look back to all the 2D cartoons we grew up on, they went mainstream '3D' with Toy Story and haven't really went back- look at Toy Story compared to the kids movies out today

+1 sir.

Lighter Fluid / Any Flammable Fluid = Girl Scout Water. If you can't start a fire by using a lighter/match/fire-steel/bow and stick- then you shouldn't be trying to start one.

I forgot about dryer lint!

As well as insanely better living conditions. it all goes hand in hand.

I don't know about tasting better with fewer owners, but I can attest that eggs that are from small organic and otherwise ethically and environmentally concerned farms (ie, chickens with better lives) do in fact taste better. to me they have a richer taste and after eating organic eggs for awhile now i can almost

Exactly, I can't afford to be eccentric.

I always preface my advice giving with where I obtained my knowledge of said advice; examples are "from my personal experience" "from my experience and some of my closest friends (with whom they can ask directly and receive hopefully the same answer)" or "I was reading (insert scientific or other high-minded

I've asked almost everyone I hang out with when I read about this a while back and the common census is this- about half of them said they don't look at the change column, and are always surprised when they're paying for something ("it's more expensive than I thought" or "whaddya mean it's 12$ it said 11$ and some

They stole my FACE.