So, if I had the power, I could restrict your communication with your fellow man, but let others enjoy communicating freely, and it would be OK.
So, if I had the power, I could restrict your communication with your fellow man, but let others enjoy communicating freely, and it would be OK.
I'd have to say I'm more of the Jack of Few Trades, Master of one. I excel in my field of graphic design, but I also am quite computer and net savvy- making me useful to just about everyone. I was always taught Master one, Jack of none is the way to go, but it never really was me. I have to know everything, and am…
cracking: cracking software code to reveal its licensing in order to make the software think its a legitimate copy.
Bicycling/walking/flying personal aircraft/anything-other-than-driving is very popular there, isn't it...
I KNEW that black van driving by my house wasn't Google! But I wonder who the black helicopters belong to....
Sounds interesting. Currently this is what I do: Google Bookmarks. All my bills are labeled.. uhm.. "Bills" with my banks also bookmarked so I can then- Go thru each bill and pay them, regardless if its due or not. I pay either the full amount (if under 100$) or exactly half plus any change (if it's over 100$). I do…
Is it faster than Android stock? I've tried Opera and Dolphin in the past and though they had neat features, they were pathetically slow. I'm on the OG non-rooted Droid, fyi.
A better question would be 'Why is the salad moving...? And changing color?"
Wouldn't EVERY day be technically 'after' Labor Day?
It goes nicely with the bassackwards way they are doing things.
I have the income to support my gaming habits- but I am by no means rich- I can just budget like there's no tomorrow. And I buy used/sale/bundled when possible- New only when I reeeaaallllyyy want it (like FO:NV or the upcoming Deus EX). I waited until a few weeks ago to buy Dragon Age I and its expansions, if that…
Why is this egg carton and various cardboard SO HEAVY!!? Meh, it must just be the nature of things...
PS3 cost me more in games than the console:
or maybe 2..... >.>
I feel alone now, I really had thought that this was common knowledge/practice... I quit smoking largely due to that line of thinking- I quit other, much more harmful, activities also by thinking in those lines of thought. I see the change I need to have happen, I refrain from making excuses as to why I can't, and…
Was using a 'slightly less than legit' version of Suitcase 2, but have since upgraded to the 'quite a bit more legit cause I paid for it' Suitcase 3- works just as I need it to with over 2500 fonts.
What about Zorin OS?
I've noticed on a very select few brands there is a date code on the tag- but it's always. And I'm hard-pressed to remember the brands right of the top of my head!
VOTE: Web Of Trust