
Uhhh it sounds to me like Catherine realized what a nightmare her family was and peaced the fuck out a long time ago. #TeamCatherine.

I can’t wait for the inevitable Young Luke spin off where we finally get to see him shooting womp rats in his T-16.

I’m Generation X, and I agree with you that Millennial women are expected to be “extraordinary.” It’s basically another step beyond “having it all,” which is the unrealistic expectation for women of my generation. We’ve failed if we don’t have a career, spouse, kids, house, etc. I’m not sure why we keep adding extra

Well... that’s like your force, man.

Bearded Luke Skywalker/Mark Hamil looked like another disenchanted bearded fellow who liked milk products.

A prequel to the Grinch?

“couldn’t they give you like, a better chin? I mean I can still see your brothers faces when I look at you.”

“have you considered having some work done? ...oh, you have? and this is the result? okay... cool.”

All of these are wrong. The most awful thing that teens do that makes everybody feel like their worst self is whisper and giggle amongst themselves while you’re speaking. And then if given the opportunity to say what they were giggling about they throw shade hard like “oh, we were just talking about your hair” and

How about sniggering and murmuring behind her back but as soon as she looks around being dead quiet and looking anywhere but at her?

“ ... she keeps the location of her daughter’s grave a secret to protect her from Nazis.”

I mean, #MeToo and all, but it has to be said... there is a whooooole lotta reckoning coming for some toxic women in the workplace. Because for every ass pinch or promotion pass-over from a Gross Office Dude, I got at least two hardcore flashbacks of a female supervisor traumatizing me with verbal abuse and body

Women voted for Clinton, but White Women did not. Clinton only got 54% of the female vote because black and latina women almost didn’t vote for Trump at all. This is a national issue. I know lots of white women who voted for Trump and they live in Seattle and in California for fucks sake. This is not just a bible belt

I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other

This is an insult to pigs; they are extremely intelligent and delicious animals.