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PLUS! the best thanksgiving play of all time!

I was 10, and you know what they got me? MA LI BU BARBIE!


You’re right, there is totally nothing inappropriate about a grown man inviting a 14 year old to a party with alcohol into his bed. Totally normal.

They’re disgusting vermin who hide in the shadows and defile their landscape. Their breeding habits are particularly revolting. For every item they devour, they ruin ten more.

I’m glad someone has the spine to stand up for these creatures.

I think it’s much more likely he will be encouraged to flip for a more lenient sentence, so we can get at some bigger, juicier, oranger fish.

I’d like Mueller to go to Jared.

Thank you, I loved reading this.

I love how she is kind of admitting the studio is just making shit up as they go along. Of course in this case it was totally the correct choice and Gal Gadot is right on the nose. The more the franchise walks away from Batman v. Superman the better the franchise will be. A franchise is only as strong as its

When Uncle Jesse’s last name went from Cochrane to Katsopolis on Full House.

Hell, you (or just about any woman) could have had a miscarriage and just thought it was a heavy period a week later and that would be “god’s” choice. But Steve King would throw you in jail if you decided for yourself.

I had my abortion at 6 weeks. I took a pregnancy test about 2 weeks before when I thought my period was late and it came back negative. The only reason I took another test was because I know my body and I knew something was off. Plus, I’m a hypochondriac. So technically, at the time of my abortion, my period was only

Ban at 6 weeks*

For my sexy beast costume I just wear an open-collared white shirt and dark colored slacks....

That’s the good thing about being Luke Cage, in addition to having an Excellent Halloween he’ll also have a Sweet Christmas.

Doubtful a lot of little girls will discover Ghostbusters through Stranger Things. The people that love this the most are bitter dudes who hate that anything lacking a penis play with their toys.

First birthday parties are not for the kid, they’re for the parents. Congratulations on getting through the first year.

I can’t get my mind around that kind of motherhood. When I taught four year olds we had a student who was displaying a lot of troubling signs of sexual abuse. Turns out her uncle was molesting her (I never learned the extent and didn’t want to).

These girls are amazing and beautiful, good for them. We need some middle aged influencers though, people who can expound with confidence that it’s okay not to have a lot of career goals anymore and it cool if you lollygag on the couch all Saturday watching Ferris Beuller and Sixteen Candles for the millionth time and