
Heidi’s face in that pic instantly reminded me of this:

Marriage is declining because women don’t NEED men anymore. We don’t have to put up with the average/bad ones who treat everyone like shit (and vice-versa with men no longer needing women). We only need to get married when we find one we WANT who also WANTS us. And in my opinion, unless you’re rocking my world in bed,

Mark Regnerus is warning women that no one buys the cow when it gives the milk away for free.

Why? No really why? If you want to make Peter Rabbit make Peter Rabbit. If you want to make a creepy fratdouche rabbit movie do that but don’t sully poor Beatrix Potter with your bullshit.

Go back and watch the old Winnie the Pooh stuff. Tigger is a huge asshole. He physically assaults everybody and destroys private property. For instance, he destroys Rabbit’s entire garden. Then when Rabbit complained, Tigger laughed it off, did his Tigger song and dance, and then left.

We called it “chore sex” when we were trying to conceive. Because eventually, you really just want to go to sleep, but you *have* to do this first.

An aspiring writer living in Brooklyn? Talk about science fiction!

“Get a lover or lovers without his consent. You wouldn’t be the first person.”

They need to find someone else to write this column

It really was fantastic. I was sad it wasn’t 100% based on real life and Aziz Ansari hasn’t actually been spending thanksgiving with her family since he was 10. But it was still just so good.

provide evidence-based classes, results-driven coaching

dumb little redneck kids

Nikon: See, we told you there were no women photographers. 


Oh Ezra, hon, bless your heart. The suit not coming out of a ring on his finger is the least of the problems with that costume and ‘lore’ of this version of The Flash.