
Re: Good Omens: “Neil Gaiman revealed on Twitter that Emerald City’s Adria Arjona has joined the cast as Anathema.”

I somehow accidentally saw the trailer for this and my first thought was “Why is Reese Witherspoon in a Hallmark movie?” (not remembering that there is no sex in Hallmark movies).

Re: “Christopher Robin” - It’s Nick Mohammed, not Nick Mohammad!

Ooh! I like the dressing up idea!

Thank you. I’d like to include him in social justice work when he’s older (he’s only 2.5). Now, I think he would be sad if mom had to miss the Halloween fun with him.

Well, he’s 2.5. Education and justice are beyond his comprehension right now. (He totally gets candy and parties though!)

Is it un-feminist of me to skip the convention because I will probably have to take my kid to a million Halloween parties and events and things that weekend? Serious question!

All my life, but I still have Hope.

Right? I only have so much time, money, and brainpower. And my kid’s childhood is short. Props to you for your success in exposing your students to good things! I admire that very much. I’m not built for teaching, but my career has been devoted to supporting those who do.

I have not, which is a sad blank-spot on my Mike Judge-viewing resume!

I don’t take elitist as an insult.

If we don’t teach children to uphold the value of art, which is emotionally stimulating as well as thought-provoking, we are raising a nation of idiots.

The sad thing is, there are MANY parents who will take their kid(s) to see this because 1. it’s marketed as a “kids” movie therefore it must be ok for family viewing and 2. they are familiar with emojis so they are more likely to spend their money seeing this movie than something they don’t know, which is exactly how

“Every animal screams because screaming is fun”

“...policy could prove extremely disruptive to the individual insurance markets.” Essentially, removing the mandate could discourage healthy individuals from buying insurance in the Obamacare marketplaces, thus “putting the individual insurance market at risk of spinning into a death spiral if Senate and House

My husband and I dubbed it “Boring Fist”!

This is great news overall, but I can’t find any information on how to submit to the screenwriting lab. Is it available to Blacklist members only? How do they choose who gets to participate? It costs $25 a month to post a script on Blacklist and beyond that, you have to do a lot of work, and pay even more money to

I see that this movie has been Stefon-approved. It has everything: music, dancing, Wolverine, Michelle Williams, acrobats, Young Romantic Couple, sideshow freaks, bootstraps, heart-to-hearts, high society, revisionist history, children...what did they NOT cram into this?

YES. Please send him back to Metropolis. We already have a “Jimmy Olsen” and it’s Wynn.

Poor Curtis. Will they just let be their “Q”? That way, he can go back to his day job at Palmer Tech, secretly work on cool gadgets for Team Arrow, and still go home to Paul at night? (I am imagining hijinks as Curtis tries to hide his Arrow projects from his boss at Palmer Tech. Hilarity ensues!)