
Ah. I imagine other countries might have different regulations? If you’re traveling domestic, you should not have a problem. Good luck!

Yes, you can pump in-flight, but unless you’re comfortable doing it at your seat, you have to do it in the bathroom, where the outlet may or may not work. Layovers require you to know the connecting airport in advance - if there are family bathrooms, for example, where you can pump. Very few airports have a specific

I’m a nursing mom and the last time I flew, in February, you can bet that I had that page saved on my phone just in case I needed to whip it out. (Didn’t need to, thankfully!)

On the one hand, I’m not sure I’d trust any mail service to get the package to its destination on time or without it being a huge pain-in-the-ass (I’m looking at YOU UPS!) On the other, it would be such a huge relief not to have to worry about carrying enough ice packs or storage containers to make it through a