
Maybe the other actresses prefer not to be nude?

And you're acting like Hannah's relationships are all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows.

Sorry - I meant it is not worth getting outraged about for THEM (the people getting outraged that the sex educator said this). I should have been clearer!

Is her character excessively confident? I always interpreted it as bravado and humor designed to deflect attention from her insecurity. Or maybe I'm just projecting my own issues because I can't imagine anyone who is earnestly as confident as she is on the surface.

I think a lot of women will take offense to the idea that you have to stand up for them - but it is absolutely true. No marginalized group can become un-marginalized unless they have allies in a place of privilege.

I had mixed feelings on this piece, mostly because I am one of those women who has had to change her entire perspective on life just to survive on the Internet. I've come up with the million little threads in one giant encompassing web that allow me to process and cope with the harassment I face every day. I work as a

It should be up to the child. I still shudder at the memory of being told to give my grandfather a hug and kiss hello only to have him stick his tongue in my ear and move it around. I practically had to kick him in the shins to get him to stop and at that point he had moved on to sucking on my neck. This happened in

The last time I had a conversation derailed by someone's need to randomly interject their penis feelings, I started talking about my last period in inappropriate levels of detail. It went okay. We got back on topic pretty quickly.

Further, "give me a kiss/hug/come sit on my lap" is how grooming often starts. It seems innocuous until it's not anymore.

This is why I don't shut up about Feminism/Sexism/Racism in online discussions. I can use my white maleness to shut up the assholes who's favorite form of discourse is LOLRAPEMURDER. I can also use the fact that my voice is often taken more seriously then those people who are actually targetted by these shitbags to

That is sad and amazing and everything all at once. Poor kid, but good for her for doing what she could to speak out against it.

Somewhat related anecdote:
When my little sister was about 3, my parents had a party. Little sis is toddling around, looking cute. As people do, they'd scoop her up and chat with her, often moving from one room to another as they did so. Suddenly, sis bursts into the most plaintive wail ever and crumples to the

I'm very firmly on the side of it being a kids choice but that being said I adore kisses from my nephew and hugs, but as he grows obviously we will change these interactions but while he's 3 I will enjoy cuddles and kisses when he's feeling super affectionate and settle for a wave when he's not.

I was actually thinking about how me and my brothers and sister were forced to doing the goodnight hug rotation around the living room when we were staying over at my grandparents' for extended family gatherings. It was always so insincere, and I remember there being a few people who married into the family - aunts

I have been a subscriber of this philosophy with my own kid. He never has to kiss someone, and when a relative or whoever tries to go for it anyway, I tell them kindly but firmly "No." (Sadly, I have to do this kind of a lot sometimes, but hopefully him hearing me stand up for his autonomy will have a similar effect.)

I don't force my kids to hug or kiss even me. I ask for a hug or kiss, and if they say "Not now" or "I don't want to", that is ok. But that is mostly because I want to teach them to ask other kids if they want a hug before hugging them, not because I am worried it will lead to sexual victimization. I just want them to

I can relate. I never let any of my previous boyfriends see me truly naked because of my lopsided boobs. I had a lot of little tricks, even during sex, to keep myself covered up. Honestly, I kept up the charade until I had my first baby. I figure that once someone watches you give birth to a baby, they've pretty much

Yup! From everything I've read about her, she's got goals and I bet she's hired right to make them happen.