Some of you are really missing the point here—a certain level of conventional attractiveness is required to even get one's foot in the door or not feel self-conscious. That's redlum's point. Not just with would-be suitors, but employers, friends, etc.
Bless him (and his family, alongside him) for living a full if all-too-brief, courageous life. I hope it was as meaningful for him as those he helped and moved.
...Sounds like you're surrounded by a bunch of fucking losers.
I am sad to say I am both guilty of that—instinctively reaching about (in classrooms) to stroke little arms and backs when kids are fussy, put hands on shoulders, when I am a volunteer or childhood classrooms in nurseries and see teachers do it...but I hated being asked to give kisses or hugs as a toddler when I felt…
But what about the rest of France?
why distaste? What'd he do, other than "The Hobbit"? Is there some great act of assholery I'm missing?
On second thought, I realize only I can answer that...I'm just wondering how easy it'll be if I already have other insurance.
That might be in August (or sooner, if my school fucks me over). I was obligated to purchase a full year from United Healthcare Student Insurance for $5,000 through August, but I have decided no to go back to school.
I have shit student insurance and am unemployed currently. I am leaving graduate school but had to purchase a full year and am hoping I can keep this till August, because I had no other option. (I feel so, so stupid for not waiting till now, or at least getting all my prescriptions.)
I'll confess something—I will a little asshole seatkicker, but I didn't want to annoy anyone. I was anxious and wanted to put my feet up. To this day if I have enough space to tuck my feet under me, that's how I want to sit.
That's what I mean—I associate meat from "local" farms as mostly humanely acquired stuff. But the average person does not buy their meat from local farms.
Can we confirm he's actually that mean?
I say this as someone that loves meat, despite knowing better—doesn't this apply yo most meat suppliers that sell anywhere but my farmer's market? Animals raised in abject filth?
"You, Miss Anne, are going to have to clean your own house because I will be caring for my own' and instead of agreeing that the public sphere is necessarily more important than Sasha and Malia, she has buried Mammy and has embraced being a mom on her own terms."
I hope someone brutally murders him.
"You could stay up all night crying and writing elaborate, obsessive erotic fan-fic about the two of them and their 'Big Horn Sheep Adventure' "
Why give out candy at all, if you're going to give people sour moralizing instead of the traditional holiday offering?
Are they hormonal?