I had almost the exact same situation, except instead of calling me a whore the creepy forty-something man (I was 19) I'd been trying to avoid all evening threw his beer in my face.
I had almost the exact same situation, except instead of calling me a whore the creepy forty-something man (I was 19) I'd been trying to avoid all evening threw his beer in my face.
I'm shy. I was even more shy as a teenager. It was hard for me to walk through a mall, what with all the people, and call for a pizza? FUCKING. SCARY. What! But hey, I got laid at 17, somehow like a normal person, because under the socially awkward shy exterior.. I'm really pretty funny, genuine, and happy. Imagine.…
It seems like he made efforts to get people to do what he wanted them to do...that's not the kind of adaptation I'm talking about. Adaptation isn't working out and getting a BMW. It's recognizing that other people aren't objects of gratification. It's learning that to connect with people you have to offer them…
Plenty of women feel invisible and unwanted by men too. Most people don't want to be lonely and not have anyone to have sex with.
That doesn't mean that anyone is obligated to have sex with anyone else.
Exactly, his entitlement made him invisible. Women don't like to be treated like blowup dolls. To this segment of the population the only distinguishing features on women are hair, eye, and skin color. Also no fatties.
I admit total ignorance to how disgusting this MRA/PUA/Anti-PUA/InCel community is, until now. I went and read that WizardChan shit, and it is seriously like stepping into a third dimension of sick fuckery. How has it not occurred to any of those rat bastards that the reason women won't get with them is that we can…
in the same way that mentally ill people are labeled whenever there's a gun tragedy and it makes me pissed off , I understand what you're saying.
What happens when your silly/angry/drunken tweets to a famous person are featured on a national television show?…
Oh man, cosmetic surgery, right!?? Those people are so embarrassing. All consensually altering their bodies in an…
So despite the 100s of excessive drinking game apps with no age restriction, the chat up line apps that serve no purpose than to fuel future douche-baggery... THIS GETS DENIED?
My Great Pyrenees is exactly the same. He can't catch crap. But he's a damn good guard dog.
Props to your mom!
My mom was the youth group coordinator at our church when I was a teenager. Some of the kids in the group sang at the mass and one of them, who had a different sense of style, wore long black gloves. There was a big meeting held with the parish council and my mom and they said that they wanted my mom to do something…
I see what you're saying. Long time ago I rejected a couple of girls who were quote-unquote "fat girls", but it wasn't because of their weight or looks, but it was because I was and still am pretty insane and ugly and absolutely not romantic or dating material. And looking back, there really was nothing I would be…
I don't really understand why you think that kind of mentorship should only be limited to men.
I honestly believe young men who don't have those social skills should be given a big brother/sister friend to teach them how to never to lose hope or resort to PUA sessions.
Most days I want to say invisible is better, because at least you're being ignored rather than singled out for negative attention. But invisibility has its own hurt as well sometimes. (Not just talking about men and dating here, but about that everyday thing when someone cuts in front of you in a queue, or a shop…
Men have done the same thing to me, usually in groups. Why? What's the joy in being so hurtful and cruel?
I am a conventionally ugly woman who sometimes gets told what an ugly cunt I am by guys on the street, and who has been approached in bars by guys to tell me how ugly I am, or once by a guy who said he knew he had no chance with my beautiful friend but he was willing to settle for me (my friend threw her drink in his…