
Jesus Christ, I'm sorry for typos, this reads incoherently, of course.

And a clarification for the Jezzies, because I am a regular reader here, not some MRA apologist—sorry for "tail". I used it to directly deal with this idea that women or desired sexual partners of any gender exist to be claimed, and other suitors are an insult to my ego.

I am a girl that has "never seen a penis", never felt wanted, felt invisible and unwanted my whole life. I am in my 20s too.

I know.

This is not a gamer problem.

I think the only thing that creeps me the fuck out is the sexification (OVER AND OVER AND OVER) of Disney heroines, but then, I guess both superheroines and Disney characters are for little girls.

So Mae West and all the hullaboo about the idealized hourglass figure—big tits, round hips and ass, small waist—is something co-opted by white people?

The problem is that Kara is a new writer and this piece is lazy, or at least ill-informed.

I read her suicide note (or the transcript) on...well...Buzzfeed. (One of the comments on the site pointed out they were exploiting her death; I have iffy feelings about Buzzfeed and their "thoughtful" pieces, b/c they've done some decent ones.)

For what it's worth, when I was 19 and too dumb to realize just how important a well paying, stable office job is, I asked a paralegal that because it seemed like the next natural thing to ask and I wanted to make small talk. No one in their right mind that new how many law school grads graduate into unemployment (and

That's one of mine, and it actually consumes so much time. It's endured from childhood and it's part of jealousy/resenting people, too...ugh, it makes me feel so ugly. It's not sympathetic (from me, at least)...just the fear that I'm completely superfluous to everything I try, my best is worthless, and people will

Here's my question (and I'm really grateful you're covering him, Sam)—how the fuck is that legal? There really isn't an endangerment charge or something he can be brought up on for encouraging stalking? Are victims whose addresses are up there powerless until they're actually harmed when something like that happen?)

That's Beejoli Shah on Defamer, re: her talk with Mindy. Maybe a newer Jez author.

He wrote a piece discussing the interview and what he "meant", and it's worth reading the whole exchange. (He doesn't come off much better...maybe a little.)

I'm a woman and a longtime reader of this site.

Okay, she's not only an asshole, she's not funny, and she's SPECIFICALLY not funny because her comedy is usually lazy, offensive bullshit. She's not clever. How about that?

I won't write her off completely, yet, but on a show that requires comics to joke around off the cuff, like "Midnight"...she was just underwhelming. (And it's an underwhelming show, so that's saying something.) I realize roasts aren't the best criteria, but...meh. You get a taste of what someone's style is like.

Sarah Silverman has a lot of the same jokes and uses comedy the same way, on the surface—be a hot chick and test the audience's boundaries by being subtly racist.

She should apologize for not being funny.

"Glee" and "Nip/Tuck" both started out great; within two season, they were remarkable, hysterical garbage.