
He punched more than woman in the head over and over and claimed it was consensual. As well, he was charged with “overcome resistance by choking.” Plus he kept pictures of it all, which he showed to the execs at CBC as a “defense” and was also accused of years of workplace harassment. Even a guy who worked for him in

How not to sexually harass: don’t do anything to anyone you wouldn’t want your larger and stronger cell mate to do to you in prison.

“However, his mother wrote a letter to the judge asking for no prison time, citing the fact that he walked his rape victim home showed that he wasn’t a violent criminal.”

I have to assume the woman who was his first victim has been notified of all this, and I keep thinking about how re-traumatized she must be. Ugh, what a piece of shit.

That cameltoe, omg

I’ve been following this since it broke on Thursday and this guy is all kinds of “lock him up and throw away the key”. His own father thought he was a lost cause after the first rape. However, his mother wrote a letter to the judge asking for no prison time, citing the fact that he walked his rape victim home showed

Does anyone know if there is an ethnic difference between the kidnapped women and the Boko Haram fighters? I’m thinking of other conflicts in Africa in which the children were easily identifiable as products of rape because they inherited slightly different facial features/skin tone etc from their fathers. I really

The first thing I noticed was the body language here. I don’t like the way he’s gripping her arm.

The main thing I noticed is those sharp bones. Obviously they were kept on the razor’s edge of starvation. Plus all the other horrors they were subjected to.

Is it horrible and reprehensible that I immediately went to ‘false flag’ on this?

I’d be willing to speculate it’s because it’s not real to her. She hasn’t been presenting as a woman that long, and after she did transition, she was already famous. I doubt she’s ever had experience with it - it’s probable she’s in the “I’ve never seen it so it can’t be that bad.” camp.

I take this extremely seriously and I feel so heartbroken for this reporter.