I think guys who think they are woke enough to make this kind of joke are seriously fucking mistaken.
I think guys who think they are woke enough to make this kind of joke are seriously fucking mistaken.
Also now having seen a full picture of the killer, he’s also at least twice her size.I can forgive the cop being paternal in the moment more than for not having already checked the property long ago. Seriously it was a no brainer. The couple reported to the real estate broker they worked for, to do some cleaning. …
This is also in the say-owth, where they talk a certain way. If it’s this guy in the doorway https://apnews.com/16eaaed80cdb4a1b93f82be6e4863671/The-Latest:-Suspect-faces-murder,-kidnapping-charges?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP who called her a little girl it’s either because she’s so…
Can I borrow some bleach for my eyes and brain? Tnx
As a former resident of NC I can’t imagine it’s anything else. The NC GOP is a Koch-crazed nightmare that is finally getting woken up from. Scalia’s death was the first coffin nail, and they know it. https://www.ncfamily.org/death-of-justice-scalia-is-a-huge-loss/. This “attack” screams “We’re the real victims!”
I cringed at that too. I get that he wants to be supportive. I’m also pretty sure she’d rather initiate physical contact from here on out.
My first thought was that’s Adam Levine being a great dad.
In my day we called that the old “good night sock in the arm.” Lets the guy know he’s in the friend zone before he tries to kiss you.
All of the above.
I’ve heard the same thing from someone that knows him at the acquaintance level. He grabs people with his enormous heart.
I totally get an African-American lady not having anyone steal or otherwise fuck with her name.