Memory of the Garden at Etten

I can’t believe I live in a time where it’s the women pushing this issue.

All hipsters are POCs or WOCs, even the white ones.  

God I hope soon.

No, keep going. Amazon isn’t the only fire raging in your woods though.

Not a big Cuomo fan but he’s right. You have to look at what the city gets from Amazon versus what they give to Amazon. It was a legit, straight up baller deal and AOC and her pals on Twitter - and here - ruined it for the NYC taxpayer that’s already being squeezed by Trump’s SALT cap, by the way. Not that it matters

Seattle is the least progressive, most corporate city in the world. Go to Portland if you want to see the future.

Unfortunately that will not happen.  Just as the fatcats that hire illegals seldom [read: never] face consequences so too will these bigwigs escape justice.

Remember, the right always - ALWAYS - accuses the left of that which they are guilty.

No way. There’s no way this it. Seriously???

Also true. What’s that Batman Begins line... “A man is just a man, but when you become an idea...” something like that.

so effectively Vladimir Putin get to vote in our elections. Non-citizensare far less likely to have leisure time to waste looking at Facebook(if they even have internet), so perhaps we should let them vote, since fewer are captured by Russia.

I didn’t realize that the small footed even wore sneakers.  I thought they wear flip flops to make their feet look bigger.

It’s funny that everyone seems to be concerned with the price tag of the New Green Deal.

You mean “insufficiently clever to distinguish between trolling and good faith argument.”

Pls direct me to Fed Chair Powell’s testimony.  I already know I believe Cohen and he is good etc.

Better question... What’s inside that black box?

Hillary Clinton had been discussing an open borders future behind closed doors for some time. The EU is attempting open borders. Open borders are a clear objective of the establishment and a big reason why Hillary lost, in addition to her being an unlikable, entitled woman who accomplished nothing outside of increasing

Because you assume that they didn’t play both sides and because you assume that their efforts were effective due to their talents rather than genuine distrust of Hillary Clinton - along with the establishment on the right that mirrored her - within this country.

Now playing

Do you not follow Drumpf on Twitter? He already tweeted about their talks. They discussed “Da Nang Dick Blumenthal” and how, despite his claim that he was a Vietnam War Hero, he had never even been to Vietnam.

Toxic sport has toxic fans that due toxic things.