Memory of the Garden at Etten

Googling while wearing a fedora does not count as “researching extensively”.

There’s a reason I never let my kid watch YouTube videos unsupervised...

So....would the subject ‘see’ infrared wavelengths even with their eye lids closed? Cause that might suck

Don’t count Cassie out, yet!

I live in Portland. If rampant homelessness, unchecked crime, and completely dysfunctional city government are the future, well, I don’t want to be a part of the future. 

I love Portland but I was embarrassed to bring my family there. It’s gotten much worse over the past 10 years. 

Good grief. Like pot, just make it legal. Take a page from France where the workers have to be licensed and tested and each worker works for him/herself. I don’t know the rules of Nevada, but maybe that system is one to emulate.

Are you sure that wasn’t a troll trying to get you to break character?

All the more reason to GTFO of these cities. Productives, leave the Progressives to the fate they chose. There are much greener pastures away from the coasts.

TomatoFace absolutely is a collective at this point. One thing I’ve figured out from trolling Kinja is that if your work is widely perceived to be part of the TomatoFace canon, it effectively is. Perception becomes reality. The lazy jaded staff trolls evince little interest in curating the TomatoFace brand, so it

Hyperbolic when it comes to FB? You really can’t spread irony any thicker than this.

Find those stories. Write about them.

I use it for my gaming groups and High-school ex-stalking. I assumed everybody else doing that too or attention-whoring.

That literal genital mutilation has been normalized under the guise of medical recommendation is truly a great crime. You shouldn’t have to fight to keep in tact millions of years of evolution.

nope! and i fought tooth and nail for my son not to be too!

One nit-pick:

I don’t use it a lot but I enjoy it when I do. It’s like a year-round Christmas card. I use it to stay in touch with people I would probably otherwise only exchange holiday cards with. I don’t friend people who post political rants, etc. I just use it to see pics of things like my former roomate’s kids and pets. 

He looks like he met a nice young colored lady at church today, Sharon.

Nah, it’s a troll alright (or someone seriously problematic) but I doubt it’s TF. TF was the “create, spout, dump” kind of user. He’d create burners and go through them within days.