Memory of the Garden at Etten

It’s 14 degrees in Boston, colder with wind. Speaking of which, we had gusts of over 70mph over two days already this week. And somehow, through all of this, zero snowfall. A very strange February indeed.

So discussion should never happen unless everyone is agreed ahead of time? Do you even hear yourself? I mean that literally, and it’s an honest question. How does this thought come about in one’s brain?  You are saying that only echo chambers should exist.  This could be a pretty good troll.  Kudos if so.

And yet we’ve been trending toward open borders politically for decades.  The discussion isn’t the problem here.  The policy is.  There are factions within and outside this nation and others that do not want that discussion to happen, and if so not honestly.

SALT deduction cap will be the end of progressivism in the coasts.  The days of leeching of the federal government through high-end property tax payments to the states are over.

Conspiracy Theorists were hoping for so much more and are let down once again. We truly live in the greatest of times, only to get better.

unless they’re doing it at the behest of a foreign power

They’re late to the game then, and should be embarrassed.  Domestic media, including Hollywood, has been doing that for decades.

Non citizens should not be able to vote. Citizens should not vote more than once.

Well, that’s confusing. I thought we both cared about solving the same problem. But now I think that you only care about solving a problem when it affects your side and are more than happy to allow cheating go unchecked within your ranks.

Indeed.  It’s funny in a bad way that we have any sort of voting impropriety in 2019.  Left or right, doesn’t matter.  I just happens more often on the left so you hear about that more. 

Little difference between that and voter fraud on the left in California, Texas, Georgia, Florida and everywhere else.

If you are too dumb or too lazy to get a voter ID, you have no business voting. I think everyone here understands that the majority of the population cares little, and knows less, about the actual issues at play during an election. The mindless hordes have no business controlling an electoral outcome, and those too

From the beginning it’s been a two lady race. Dollface and Cassie. All other contenders are there to keep unaware viewers interested with irrelevant tangents.

AOC.  Duh.

And to that point, “No” is shorter than “Nah.”  Yet people still use the latter.  An extra character of care.  I will never understand why one does that.

On occasion, but it’s a massive waste of time.

Legitimately hilarious, as was his “I wouldn’t call you short and fat” tweet.  Many such cases. 

1. Finding entertainment in the religions of atheists.

She did it just to say she did it. She clearly does not partake in cookie consumption. Or, if she does, she has enough free time to run her cookies off.

You are so fragile.