Memory of the Garden at Etten

Entitlement programs are cages as are cubicles.  There exists another way, but it necessitates national cohesion, direction, and drive.

Obfuscating the point doesn’t work here. Another lazy tactic employed by those caught in religious dogma.

Birth Rates vs Demographics paints a pretty interesting picture of the decision point we’re at, especially as it relates to government assistance. We are creating a society of dependents mastered over by a tiny clique of elites while the middle class disappears.

This is a somewhat sympathetic poster.

She looks great.

New vaccines are introduced all the time.  While some vaccines make sense and have a depth of data to substantiate the claims of “necessary!” many do not.  There is no comprehensive scientific understanding of the side effects of many vaccines.  Pretending otherwise is just another belief system.

That literal genital mutilation has been normalized under the guise of medical recommendation is truly a great crime. You shouldn’t have to fight to keep in tact millions of years of evolution.

Finally a real contender. The first two were Pittsburgh and Miami.  

Michael Cohen is credible.

It’s not Trump you need to worry about. It is he who comes after Trump.

Alternate Hypothesis:

They told us circumcision was a medical necessity. They told us we had ADD, then ADHD. They told us we needed Ritalin. That we needed Adderall. That nobody should be in pain and that Oxycontin was safe.

You just won yourself a free month of Facebook!  Oh, what’s that?  I’m... I’m getting word that Facebook is already completely free.

No need for Skeptical Susans.  Just sit back and enjoi. 

He looks like he’s probably been for just about every war in the Middle East.

That’s why you should buy guns. But seriously folks this is ridiculous.  I think that, at the very least, this New Green Deal will provide a clearer understanding of who in the Democratic party is actually on the left.

He looks like that disappointment is probably just projection.

Phrase? Maybe it wasn’t clear to you what I meant. Anyway, Do Ritalin, Oxycontin, Adderall not count as other medication? Or are you obfuscating the issue by comparing something you need with something you don’t?

He looks like a guy who’s probably pretty upset that most people have precheck now, and that really takes pride in being part of the Admiral’s Club.

Good, and thank you. It will change in our lifetime.