Memory of the Garden at Etten

1 is correct. However, phimosis is very uncommon. This is the only reason one should have their natural appendage reconfigured.

Facebook connects me with things I like.

He looks like the third option in addition to lovers and fighters.

It’s here because people visit us with it.

Tell me one single medical benefit of circumcision. Just one.

I’m not traveling to Somalia or South America any time soon so I think not. 

People enjoy Facebook and there’s little confusion why.  Whether it’s a sports update from your favorite team or a color scheme update from your wedding planner, Facebook helps you connect in an easy, fun, and informative way.

Bernie would have won.

Feinstein single-handedly gets Kavanaugh put on the Supreme Court with her total inability to control Susan Collins and now refuses to even hear the New Green Deal?  Add in that her driver of the past twenty years is literally a Chinese spy and we have to start asking some tough questions.

He looks like a commuter with high cholesterol. 

I would consider myself in the 99% of intelligence.  I bet if I wasn’t VAXXed when I was just a tiny nugget that I’d be pushing 100% by now.

I can’t wait until Facebook starts offering TV for free. Then I can finally stop paying for cable and start getting free TV on Facebook. 

Because the medical community promoted circumcision for decades under the guise of being a medical benefit and we know that is not true... at all.

“Our country?”  Whose country, exactly?  Certainly not ours.  And why focus on one meaningless line on a map when we should be striving to erase borders and really start connecting with each other?

He looks like an ancient, wooden statue of Saddam Hussein. 

Well you’re right that I was VAXXXed against my will when I was just a little tiny baby, but I wish I wasn’t. 

Why is it that the vaccine apologists always get nasty at the first sign of skepticism of their religion?

Yeah of course I do.  Most people love Facebook.

Facebook Negatives: Maybe they track you and sell the data they’ve compiled on you.

I only use it to post things that others might enjoy, post things I enjoy, respond to people about politics, look at pictures and videos, get news, and check out old flames and everyone else.