Memory of the Garden at Etten

I am the product?  I wish but I think we both know that’s not true.  The product is Facebook, and it’s a good one.  You could actually make the case that it’s a transformative, revolutionary product.

Is this a Soylent Green reference or something?  Everyone is always so hyperbolic when it comes to Facebook.

It’s free in the sense that you don’t have to pay for it.  If Facebook wants to sell my data so that I can stay connected with people across the world well I think that’s a no brainer tradeoff.  Not to mention they’re only doing it so they can improve products that you already use and make things better for you

Username checks out.

If your kids are doped up on vax, mine shouldn’t be a problem. Or do vaccines not actually work?

He looks like a condo building’s mailroom in Averagetown, USA.



He looks like a pair of shoes you stopped wearing but still have.

You make Facebook sound like your ex-gf, so I bet you actually love it. I love it too and so does everyone else so that’s okay.  It’s a good way to see what people are up to without interacting with them. 

He looks like a cordless phone stuck in a sofa.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman are two men who have worked quite hard in their respective fields to make the world a worse place.

I would love it if one day I came across a positive article about Facebook.  Maybe something about how they are bringing the world closer and connecting people, for free.  Everyone pretends to hate it but everyone uses it.  Can’t we just be honest and say it’s a great service that helps everyone?

I’m as liberal as they come and even I don’t subscribe to center-left, neocon-in-sheep’s-clothing vaccine dogma.  Vaccines absolutely have harmful side effects and that is being hidden because someone else already made the decision that getting fifty shots while you’re a baby is a net-positive for society.  Yeah? 

Whatever.  Democracy is for fools anyway and 2016 showed that.  Most people are to dumb to vote in the first place.  That’s why Bernie gets the educated, higher-learning votes. 

No, I’m just a guy that believes in doing the right thing and no men didn’t specialize in violence because it was advantageous. Just the opposite. Point in case: More men die in war than any other gender. It’s impossible to consider that advantageous.

You’re not thinking about this correctly.  Women have evolved to leave violence in the past where it belongs.  Men haven’t and that’s something we need to work on.

Bernie would have won WI, MI, OH, PA, and FL.  North Carolina would have been a toss up.

Inability to efficiently conduct violence is to be physically superior if you actually think about it.  If nobody was good at violence life would be much more peaceful.  So no, I’m saying the opposite.