Memory of the Garden at Etten

Harry Potter books are literally and figuratively magical.  They can really help explain everyday life if you let them.  

Agree.  It’s not outside the scope of feminism to be against drafting women to the front lines.  Most freely admit that men are more physically capable of undertaking physicality, especially as it relates to violent conduct. Those that don’t are hurting the cause.  Denying reality isn’t progress. 

Good thing Kamala passed her Anti-Lynching Bill.  Whoever he accuses of trying to lynch him, even politically, will be getting jail time. 

He looks pretty cool in that pic.  Pls delete. 

You’re not the only one.

I have many black friends.  Shutup.

Soccer Moms don’t vote, they socialize.  

It was rigged. The primary was rigged. Everyone knows that by now.

Black Voters didn’t support Hillary because she called them Super Predators.  They supported Bernie.  All educated voters supported Bernie.

I can still see his lips coming straight for my face. I can still see his lips coming straight for my face. I can still see his lips coming straight for my face.
I can still see his lips coming straight for my face. I can still see his lips coming straight for my face. I can still see his lips coming straight for my

I’m obviously talking about the voting clique that forced Hillary on us.

She also said she was a Indian.  What’s another lie for a liar?

Everyone is equal in everything. That’s scientific fact. We’re talking about sending women to the front lines here though which is a very different subject matter.

What America needs is to stop letting soccer mom airheads control the country.  If Hillary runs to enact vengeance on Bernie for “ruining her turn” I swear to fucking God I might lose my mind.  He would have won in 2016, he will win now.  Stay home and get drunk, Hillary.  

I don’t know how to feel about this. I consider myself a feminist and I believe in equality across gender, race, and everything else. But part of me just can’t get over the physical differences between men and women as it relates to engaging in violence. And in my experience this isn’t limited to hand-to-hand combat