
Not that so much as it is preying on the overall “fear” concept. Gotta protect these white women from those scary brown people, and gotta make it safe for them to go into bathrooms in the mall without fear of being raped by some guy pretending to be a girl just for that purpose.

Wait and see! Wait and see! I’m sure he’s just pulling us backward for so we can all get a good run-up at equality!

“Not me!” said the flea.

LMAO! So true. They’re both assholes, so I’d rather be assholes with each other versus inflicting it on the general populace.

I disagree, regarding Rooney and Joaquin. I’d much rather have them paired off and contained than in the general population looking for mates.

One disturbing part of his answer was the way he brushed off needing to respond to attacks and threats to Jewish organizations by claiming the attacks were from “not his people”, basically that the left is attacking Jewish institutions to try to embarrass Trump. Total nonsense, but should it fucking matter who is

“I am the least anti-Semitic person person that you’ve ever seen in your entire life.”

Come on...that thing he ate was putrid tonsil stone! You KNOW he enjoyed breaking it open and revelled in its nasty stench.

To be fair, he hasn’t yet been charged with any of the Zodiac Killer murders. And his wife gave the most careful denial I’ve ever seen, to an allegation that she has to realize is mathematically unlikely.

Sorry, Rihanna, I just spent all my makeup-related energy this weekend anticipating the upcoming Lisa Frank makeup line.

The same people who bought the shit out of the capsule collection she released with MAC. WOC since they are underrepresented in the cosmetics industry.

Ted Cruz doesn’t have personal problems, he has personality problems. He doesn’t really know how to relate to humans (or other carbon-based life forms).

You don’t think coding is work? Fuck yourself and go back to the 19th century.

As a woman FORMERLY in STEM, before all the neckbeards screaming misandry! and fake! come rolling in, I’m going to come right right out and say that her account sounds eerily similar to my own forced exodus from a fortune 200, and to things I heard from close friends/co workers. We were all sexually or racially

HR did their job perfectly: you didn’t sue.

Oh PLEASE let there be a tech bubble burst. I would love nothing more than for those snide, vapid, useless motherfuckers in Silicon Valley to have to do actual fucking work for money.

Don’t forget Pence’s awful anti-LGBT record and thoughts. Bono is another one issue person who can go fuck himself. It’s about intersectionality. Some of these older white, straight, cisgender males (see Maher) don’t get it.

“Where the Veep Has No Shame”


If the Access Hollywood tape (2005) doesn’t count because it was ‘so long ago’ then neither does Pence’s stance on PEPFAR (2003).