
In which case, I hope the lady in question comes back and pinches his nuts between her fingers until they leave little crescent fingernail bruises on his saggy old man scrotum.

Yeah, I love this new world too. I don’t have to be “politically correct.” Like, in the old days when Obummer and his Muslim Jade Helm brethren roamed the land, I would have bit my tongue.

Much like my uncles that proudly haven’t read a book since high school - they ask glib questions like this and I’m like, I dunno Uncle Gene. I don’t have enough time to walk you though the complexities of global politics when you haven’t cracked open a book since you read “the Yearling.”

That’s exactly my point. It’s not that the money earmarked for the single country of “Africa” is going to be diverted to the poorest parts of the U.S. The crushing poverty in, say, the Appalachians, is not going to be alleviated just because we cut that funding for programs in Africa.

This is solid, underrated Kinja.

I will always remember peak-Atkins (I worked in an office too) as the time when people ate microwaved tuna and the accounts payable lady lifted her shirt at me to show the giant gap in the waistband of her pants.

Between his willingness to buy me tampons AND the fact that he is responsible for one dinner a week out of seven, yup.

Ha! My husband was called a “brave, brave man” for walking into Target and showing an associate a pic of my preferred brand of tampons and asking where to find them.

“Here’s 12 Things That Russia is Blackmailing Trump With - Number 8 Will Leave You Speechless!!!!1!”

E Pluribus Anus


We have to put the final nail in the coffin of “shade.” Like how TV Land had that show last year called “Better Call Bae.”

I, for one, am ready to ride to Valhalla, shiny and chrome.

The plague monkey from the movie “Outbreak.”

Anecdotal, but I worked with CKE in my previous job. My former company was a supplier of CKE, so I was sometimes pulled into customer meetings to go over financials with them.

I signal my desire by doing an elaborate dance (the worm).

I heard he’s pretty kinky, incorporating exotic international foods like falafel.

Not according to the post I just read on the Bob Loblaw Law Blog.

Balance beam mishap?

“Hmm, I need to do laundry. All my brief white panties are in the hamper.”