
So we know which type of Lego set to buy for the child - the Fun and Sassy Hair Salon or the Death Star.

I did not see that - I’ve added it to my list!

No. The most underappreciated Obama is Sunny. It’s all about Barack and his dad-jeans, or Michelle and her scandalous sleeveless dresses. It’s about Sasha and Malia crossing their arms and not smiling (awful) at official functions. It’s about Bo, barreling into reporters and dignitaries. But nary a word about Sunny.

Same. My uncles proudly declare that they “haven’t read a book since high school,” but I’m sure they read this long “New Yorker” think piece and give it measured and thoughtful consideration.

You know, when I leave comments like this, I’m really just trolling for good shows and movies. <adds Sense8 to growing list>

I was worried because I loved the book, but the movie did not disappoint in the least. I loved it.

Smashmouth is fun to watch on Twitter. They routinely have melt-downs about their Shrek song.

Thank you! I have a long weekend coming up, so this is well-timed.

Upside: now I know that there is something that I’m better than Serena at.

One of my favorite movies this year was “The Handmaiden.” It’s a Korean film, starring Korean actors (duh), and it’s loosely based on a Victorian England-based novel called “Fingersmith.”

Their grand plan is to publish a lengthy think-piece in a progressive newspaper that espouses grandiose ideas of inclusion and aisle-crossing. It’ll be a big hit, for sure.

This made me spit out my coffee. Thanks.

I tore off half of my fingernail in a dog-leash/excitable Lab accident and now I truly understand the tragedy of the Trail of Tears and the plight of the Cherokee Nation.

“...partially blamed his response on heightened emotions after listening to President Obama speak on Aleppo...”

Please remember that Ohio has people like Joyce Beatty that serve as a beacon in our Kasich-driven darkness. I heard her speak at a Dem fundraiser earlier this year and she was poignant and witty and wonderful.

I’ll be honest - I completely forgot that the Olympics were this year. 2016 has just dragged on forever....I was thinking Biles and Ledecky and company happened last year.

“Have you considered not doing heroin?”

It’s just Breibart stuff. Malia is in rehab for smoking the devil’s lettuce, the Vatican is controlled by global warming extremists, and women are scientifically just bad at interviewin’.

I believe there was a countess who once said, “money can’t buy you claaaaaasssss.”

Look, my grandpa didn’t get shot up in a foxhole in Korea for a coupla a teens to pout and cross their arms at a state dinner!